The Jones Institute was supposed to call us between 3 and 5 PM to let us know if we were pregnant. At 12:50 PM the phone rang and we panicked. Monica didn’t want to answer the phone because she was so nervous. The Dr. quickly told us that he had good news. So here is what we know…

  • We are currently pregnant.
  • We are currently pregnant with at least one baby. The first question everyone asked us was how many are we pregnant with. We don’t know. We will find out in two weeks.
  • Next week Monica goes to get some blood work done to make sure everything is still ok.
  • The following week she will go for an ultrasound and that is when we will find out how many Shepherds we are having. 
  • It is really early on and we are telling people because we want the prayer support. Monica not only had difficulty getting pregnant what she has makes it difficult to sustain a pregnancy.

So now you know what we know. We appreciate the prayers!