I know a lot of information about weight loss. I’ve been on multiple diets, read the books, and even talked to some experts about it. If you ever want to talk weight loss philosophies or theories then I’m your guy. If you would just like some information then I can give it to you. If you need some advice then don’t hesitate to come my way because I know weight loss.
For some reason in America following God looks a lot like me. An overweight person with a lot of information about dieting. Let me explain. Too many people gain a lot of information about God, but they never put what they know into practice. There’s nothing wrong with gaining knowledge about God. In fact I’d say it’s really important. Similarly to weight loss if you don’t practice what you know then that knowledge doesn’t do you any good. It will make you feel a little more knowledgeable but it won’t change your life. My knowledge of dieting doesn’t make me tell people I’m skinny. The truth is I’m not. Similarly if a person doesn’t put their knowledge about God into practice they should be careful what they call themselves. For more information about this subject read James 2:14-26.
Thanks for being honest about your struggles with the waist line. I know giving some things up in life or modifying how we live can be VERY difficult. Also, thanks for the reminder about applying God's ways and truth.
Great reminder for both the physical and spiritual. I can also apply the principle to exercise equipment. I determined never to buy another exercise tool. They only work if you use them. After my stationary bike became a clothes tree, I decided to put up a sign, WALK, as a reminder to exercise. It does about as much good as any equipment I've purchased.
rob–this is fantastic. seriously, do a sermon on this.
sounds like its about time for me and Laura to come your way and get some late night pizza and some HOT krispy kreme doughnuts.
I think the key to weight loss is not diet (that is a component) but its exercise. You moderate what you eat and exercise. Find something you love doing and get your cardio up.
I hate exercising but I can tell you I did C25K and I began feeling better …eating better. You add in something like p90 or p90x and you will start bulking up you may even gain weight from the muscle but leveling it off with cardio will trim that weight down. I love food and I hate exercising but I know I do feel better once I do exercise. I get bored if I do the same thing over and over.
Putting into practice your knowledge about eating and making good choices and what you know about our God have many similarities but you have to take action.
Sounds like great material for an upcoming sermon! We all have choices. OR you can be like me; I get dressed to work out, go to the gym, but get distracted and then only have time to change for work!
Great intentions require intentional effort.
Thanks everyone for the comments. Who knows this might just end up in a talk at Waters Edge.