I know it’s a difference in opinion but I don’t understand why people leave a church because they are not being fed spiritually. What if Jesus said that when He went to church? What if Jesus was like “hold up Rabbi, you are just not going deep enough for me. I’m no longer being fed by your teaching.”  Think about it…Jesus didn’t start His ministry until he was 30 years old. That means He sat under someone else’s teaching for most of His life. How in the world did Jesus, who is God, get something out of church? I don’t think he doodled on the program because He was bored. I bet He got something out of it. 

Growing up in the church, going to a Bible college, and graduating from seminary has taught me a lot about the Bible.  Even though I know a little bit of Bible info I still get a lot out of church. Here are some things I do to get the most out of church…

  • Go. My friend Jamey Menser often says that you have 100% more chance of winning the lottery if you play then if you don’t play.  The same is true of church.  You will get 100% more out of church if you go then if you don’t go. 
  • Volunteer. If you really want to get something out of church don’t just sit and soak. Give back.
  • Pray for your pastor and staff.
  • Invite people. When you invite you see church through someone else’s eyes. If you don’t feel like you can invite to your church then maybe it’s time to find a church where you can.
  • Invest in other people.  In my opinion the best way to learn is to teach others. 
  • Give. You are more likely to pay attention if you are invested. There is no greater sign of being invested in the church then giving financially.  
  • Ask God to speak to your heart before you go to the service.
  • Apply what is taught. You don’t really learn unless you change your behavior. For example I know a lot about eating right because I’ve read it, heard it, and even tried it once or twice. But I don’t do it on a weekly basis, so the question is what good is the knowledge that I have? It doesn’t do you any good unless you do something with what you are taught.

If you are having trouble getting something out of your church try some of the things I suggested. If Jesus went and got something out of it then I think we should too.