My wife and I recently got to spend some quality time with our 2 year old nephew. If you have had or currently have a two year old then you know how fun they can be. For example…when my mom got home my nephew saw her at the front door and then ran into the living room to exclaim “GRANDMA IS IN THE HOUSE!!!” I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the fact that he is into super heroes.  We had a very in depth conversation about super hero powers. Poor kid didn’t know that Superman had the most powers out there. He was running around pretending to be Iron Man and Spiderman until I told him Superman could shoot beams out of his eyes. For the next hour he would stair at me, shake his lil head, and pretend to shoot beams out his eyes.

One kind of humorous exchanged happened when my sister realized that he had filled his diaper with pee.  He is potty training but you know how that goes with 2 year old. About a minute after changing him my sister must have noticed the look on his face because she asked if he had to go to the bathroom again.  His response this time was that he already pooped.  When my wife told me this story she questioned how someone could live like that…that is with poop in their pants. For my nephew it was just a part of life. You can’t say that he doesn’t know better because he’s been taught to use the bathroom.  I think for him it’s more that he is used to it. 

It made me think about bad habits in general. How can a person live in a filthy house? How can a person live with high levels of drama? How can a person live with an addiction? How can I live being over weight? The answer is that we get used to it. It’s not that we don’t know better it’s that we have lived with it for so long we don’t know what it would be like to live differently. One day my nephew will be grossed out by pooping his pants, but for now he doesn’t mind because he’s used to doing it.  Think about something in your life that you would like to change. Now think about how life would be without it. Just like potty training a two year old it’s possible to find freedom from a bad or destructive habit. When you do you’ll eventually get used to living without that bad habit. Until then our bad habits are causing us to live with a poopy diaper.