I should have known better. Nothing good comes from anonymous letters. I was consumed by this letter from a person who I didn’t know. I felt great about my talk at church until I read their letter the first time. Now on my fourth reading it was starting to consume me. It didn’t matter that I had received a lot of positive feedback about my talk. It didn’t matter that I had preached my heart out. It didn’t even matter that this person was borderline insane with many of their accusations. All that mattered was that they were tearing me and my talk apart.

As I read the letter for a fourth time I heard a still small voice say to me “even if you preached a perfect sermon someone would crucify it.” I can’t tell you how thankful I am for that still small voice. I’ve gone on to apply that phrase to many areas of my life. Whenever I make a decision I try to remind myself that someone is not going to like it. Whether it’s picking a restaurant for a group of friends to eat at, saying no to someone, or writing a blog post someone is not going to like my decision. I’m not perfect even on my best day, but as a pastor some people will even crucify my imperfections. Jesus is perfect and yet people still crucified the things He said and did. If that’s the case I shouldn’t expect any less.  The truth is I’m addicted to people pleasing and it’s that desire that needs to be crucified.