Fellow Youth Pastor and world famous blogger, Terrace
Pictured Above: John Mayer came out into the crowd for his encore. The lady sitting next to me yelled “WHY DIDN’T YOU GET ME TICKETS OVER THERE” to her husband. It made me laugh.
While at the concert I noticed that there are some personalities types that come out at almost every concert I go to. No matter who is playing I see the following types of people that go to concerts…
Performing girl- this girl normally comes in groups of two. She stands up during the entire concert…even during slow songs. But it’s not just that she stands, she dances and sings like she is on the stage. This person is fun to watch because they make funny faces when they sing.
The way too into it fan – this is the person who makes a sign to draw attention to themselves. They also scream throughout the show to try to get the performers attention.
The Free Bird guy – this
idiotfan thinks it’s funny to yell Free Bird. Depending on if the concert is selling beer they will probably yell it more than once. -
The Recorder – this person records large portions of the concert on their phone or flip camera. I’m not sure when they are going to watch the concert. I’m also not sure why they’d want to. The quality can’t be that great. I’d rather watch the actual show then worry about recording it. This however is the person who catches things like Beyonce falling down the stairs. So maybe they do it just in case something embarrassing happens to the artist? If that’s the case then that’s not a fan that’s an enemy.
The Surprising Fan – at almost every concert I go to I see someone and I think…really? Whether it’s the 72 year old at the rock concert with not a single band from the 70’s or 80’s, the heterosexual guy who went to the New Kids On the Block Concert without a girlfriend/wife, or the thugged out guy at the John Mayer concert there is always someone who surprises me.
The Over Dressed – some people use concerts to dress up really nice. There’s nothing wrong with this but it surprises me to see girls in really nice dresses at a concert.
The Mom – almost every concert has a mom who has brought her daughter to the show, but she is enjoying the concert a little too much.
Did I leave any out. If you go to concerts a lot what personality types do you see?
Very observant. I'm not sure that I can add too much as I have only been to two concerts. One was Boston and the other Duran Duran.
The scantily clad (usually overweight) concert goer. Much worse than spandex at the gym 🙂
The person who asks you to sit down b/c they can't see, when there are about 500 people in front of you standing up.
Funny stuff!
ha. you nailed the concert goers…smiles. would love to see john mayer…
Yes. The "too friendly until you tell them to leave you alone then they get hostile" drunk guy who always insists on ruining awesome shows for me at the NORVA. Sure it wasn't the same exact guy at the Sonic Youth and Rollins Band shows. But it may as well have been. The jerk.
We just went to a Shinedown concert Monday…and there were definitely some "concert people" there. We like to call them festival people. They are the kind of people that seem to come out of the woodwork. You never see them anywhere, *except sometimes wal-mart ;)* but throw a festival or a concert and they all show up. We were both cringing at all the scantily clad girls who were too large for what they were scantily clad in, and dancing while they were at it.