I like having a nose. I’m very thankful for the gift of smell.  There are however a few smells that make me wish I could turn off the smell feature. 

  • Hospitals. Even when I’m in the baby section of a hospital I think it smells like death and dying.  Would it kill them to light a few fruity scented candles?
  • Paper Mills. Have you ever driven by one? It smells like the sewer threw up.
  • My belly button. Straight awful.
  • Old people. It’s not all old people, but it is many of them. I don’t know why so many old people smell funny. It’s either a mothball smell or way too much perfume.  I think they might be trying to cover over the smell of death…which is creeping up on them. 
  • The smell of defeat. I hate losing.
  • Nail polish remover. It’s 2010…time to come up with a powerful remover that doesn’t stank.
  • Cigarette smoke. I don’t judge people for smoking, but I don’t understand how they can get used to the smell. Someone should invent odorless cigarettes.

So what smells smack you in the face?