• I blame liking owning certain songs on my wife. Sometimes I get nervous someone will try to revoke my man card by questioning a song that I like.  Lucky for me I have a wife. When someone gets in my car and you know Beyonce, Kelly Clarkson, or New Kids on the Block are blaring from my stereo I can say…”my wife likes this song” and then quickly turn it off. 
  • Farts, gas, poots, fluffs, or put puts…it doesn’t really matter what you call it I will blame it on someone else.  I know everyone does it but I live with the motto “whoever smelt it dealt it.” If I do let one slip I will I hope to God that it doesn’t smell.  If it does I will wait till someone responds and then hit em with “whoever smelt it dealt it.” Works every time.
  • There are times when I feel like I’m right and my wife feels like she is right.  We both can be a little stubborn.  Entering our second year of marriage we found that we often wasted time arguing debating about pointless things like who left the iron on.  One day we just decided to start blaming things like this on other people. It’s our way of saying, “I think I’m right but it’s not worth arguing about.”

I’m all for taking personal responsibility, but sometimes it’s just better to blame someone else.  Agree or disagree?