I don’t know at what age it happens, but at some age people become set in their ways and refuse to change.  You can see it in their wardrobe.  You can see it in the type of car they drive.  You can even see it in what type of church they attend.  I’ve been to churches that looked the exact same as they did 50 years ago. I don’t know when it happens but I already see signs of it in my life.  I resist change like an old church lady.  Because of that I intentionally try to embrace some changes…even when I don’t like it.  Case in point…

  • Facebook/Twitter – there was something in me that didn’t want to do either.  I mean I like email.  Add to that the fact that I just got used to Myspace when all my friends jumped ship to Facebook. It might not be this way forever but for now social media is a great way to connect with people.   
  • Texting – I used to complain like a little old church lady about texting.  I thought it was stupid. I mean how hard is it to make a call from your cell phone. I remember the day when the phone was attached to the wall.  I remember when if you needed a phone in public you had to find and then pay for a dirty pay phone. No one carried a phone with them.  I resisted texting until one day I took a deep breath, and started practicing. Now I love to text.
  • My hair.  I’ve had the same hair style for about ten years.  Before that it didn’t look much different…I added gel. I don’t really have an idea as to what to do with my hair.  I think the rate at which it’s falling out is going to force me to change. 
  • Redbox – I love going to the movie store to rent a movie.  I didn’t want to go to some box that had limited rentals.  Due to the fact that all the video stores closed down around me I was forced to change. I know love the Redbox. 

Change is hard, but it’s necessary.  If you don’t change life passes you by.  Change brings new life, brings excitement, and challenges the status quo.  Even though the 80’s and 90’s were great decades for me I’ve got to face that the rest of the world is changing.  I can complain about it or I can use it to make a difference.  How about you do you resist change?