I lack a rhythm. Now before all you grammar Nazis crucify me…I intentionally wrote a rhythm. You see there is a difference between lacking rhythm and lacking a rhythm. I’m not Michael Jackson when it comes to having rhythm, but I can keep a decent beat. My problem comes with having a rhythm to life.

I heard Andy Stanley, author and pastor, talk about his rhythm. He talked about his work week and how he knows his rhythm. After every preaching series Andy takes off two weeks from speaking. He said he does it because he knows he needs a break.

I don’t have a rhythm to my life. I don’t even know what my rhythm is. I work until I become a tired zombie. I over-commit, I forget to say no to things, and I work on the weekends. I can maintain this pace for a while, but I eventually burn myself out. I then take a vacation and get re-energized only to get back and start the cycle all over again. Here are a few things I need to force myself to do to create a rhythm…

  • Say no. If a good opportunity ends up wearing me out then I need to say no. This includes double booking our weekends. Last weekend Monica I drove all around town to three different places because we were invited. We hung out for a few hours at each place but it exhausted us.
  • Resting on the weekend. On my days off this week I’m speaking to a leadership conference and then rushing to a wedding rehearsal an hour a way. I have a wedding on Saturday, 5 church services on Sunday, and then I’m going out of town for a conference Monday through Wednesday.
  • Take a break from email on the weekend. I check my email a dozen times on my days off. I think I’m addicted.
  • Make time to take a nap. I need a weekly nap to function. Last Sunday I had a training and couldn’t take my nap. I should have organized my weekend so I could have taken a nap on a different day.
  • I need to figure out my rhythm. I need to force myself to rest before I burn out. It takes me too long to recoup when I get burned out.

Does anyone out there have a rhythm to their life. I’d love to hear what you do to avoid burn out.