I’ve loved having a blog. I’m honored that anyone would read my musings. I started robshep.com back in April 2008. It’s been two really good years. I made a lot of mistakes with the blog, but thankfully most people over looked em and kept reading.

With that being said I’ve been running out of steam. I think juggling Facebook, Twitter, and a blog has finally worn on me. I don’t want to do something just to do it. The other reason is that I started a blog to see if I could write on a regular basis. I want to write a book, but I didn’t know if I had it in me. The blog takes so much of my time I’ve dedicated next to nothing to writing a book.

I’ve got two weeks worth of blogs lined up. Next week is going to be a guest blog week. The following week will be sappy as I say goodbye to the world wide web. For those of you who’ve read more than once…thanks! For those of you who left comments…thank you very much! Finally I’d like to say April Fool’s.