I have a theory about why women nag their men. Women are way more complex then men. If you ever ask a woman how her day was you get a lot of details. When you ask a guy it can be summed up in one or two words. So here’s my theory…when a woman asks her man to do do something she has a million thoughts going through her head. When a guy hears it he has one thought and that is whatever he is doing.
After five, ten, or fifteen minutes if the guy hasn’t responded there is a good chance that he’s forgotten what he was asked to do. After five, ten, or fifteen minutes the woman has had a bazillion thoughts go through her head. When her man hasn’t responded she becomes worried because she’s juggling so many other thoughts. It’s not as big of a deal to guys because many of them are one track minded. The problem is when she nags no one wins.
Application for women: Don’t nag.
Application for men: Don’t give your woman a reason to nag.
It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop [on the flat oriental roof, exposed to all kinds of weather] than in a house shared with a nagging, quarrelsome, and faultfinding woman. – Proverbs 21:9
so lets break this down…you are actually complimenting women as being mutli tasked, and capable of great thoughts, while us guys can only handle one. smiles.
nice post.
Listen Rob, you need to clean up your blog. Fix your spelling errors, fix your problems with grammar and punctuation, straighten up in your chair, put on a smile and stop looking at me like that. Mister your attitude is atrocious. Would it kill you to help out once in a while around the house, maybe pick up your dirty clothes and put them into the hamper. … Huh, what was I taking about? Gosh, I forget now.
good post, and good reminder for me.
Thanks for not giving me a reason to nag you. Sorry if I ever do!
my wife will bless you for telling guys not to give their woman a reason to nag…for instance…the chewing gum i left in my pocket just today that then went through the laundry…that's seriously like the 5th time I've done it=reason to nag…is there a verse that complements the proverbs one saying, "guys don't be a donkey"? A woman can be only 1 thing, your mother or your lover