Remember me is not a movie I would have seen if I wasn’t married. It was my wife’s movie of choice for our date on Tuesday night. The last time she took me to a movie starring Robert Pattinson he sparkled in the sun and wanted to drink other people’s blood. It was the sequel to Twilight and I wanted to gauge my eyes out.
My wife really liked this movie! I on the other hand liked it but didn’t love it. It’s truly a sad movie. Not sad in the “Notebook” or “Walk to Remember” kind of way. More in a depressing, sad from the get go, and all life is meaningless kind of way. I give it one thumb up. It’s rated PG-13 for a handful of swears (including the F bomb), and two sex scenes (no nudity is shown).
Rob’s Rating System: Two Thumbs up = I loved it, worth paying full price, and I will own it on DVD.
One Thumb up = An OK movie, worth a matinee showing, and I may buy it on DVD if I see it in the $5 bin.
Thumb to the side = Wait and rent it. I wouldn’t be mad if someone gave me this DVD, but I wouldn’t buy it.
Thumbs down = I hated it, wish I wouldn’t have wasted money on it, wouldn’t own it on DVD
good job taking one for the team rob…smiles.
one thumb is a good rating…i'm not sure why i gave it the extra half of a thumb in my review…I think because I liked how all the oddities of the plot came together in the end…i think I liked it better than my wife…she isn't into sad movies because life is sad enough at times…which is good…"nobody likes a downer" (any idea what movie that's from?)
I saw it by myself out of sheer excitement Friday afternoon (we had a 1/2 day), and then John took me to see it Monday night. Ahhh…..soo good! And I told Monica I'd go again, anytime!
Oops…this is Leah here, NOT John! Hahah.
Rob you did what you had to do. I respect you for that.
Glad you *sort-of* enjoyed it. 🙂 I don't think Billy would have seen it without me either. Not really a man's movie I suppose. But I was pretty impressed with Pattinson's acting in this one. Much better than the Twilight movies I thought.
the internet movie-news/reviews community was all talk about the ending of this movie… and how cheap & uncalled for it was to use a certain event in our history to yank at the heart-strings of the viewers
but yes, good job taking one for the team haha
Jake, no doubt. I felt that. I really want to know what inspired the writer of this film. Was it based on some what of a true story? If not why did they pick that tragedy and not another one. I mean half the cast is from England, why not make it about the bombing there a few summers ago?