To have a decent snow in the 757 is a rare experience. In fact whenever the weather people call for snow most people who live in Hampton Roads don’t take it too serious. That all changed this past weekend. The weather people said a big snow storm was coming and for VA standards they were right. Church was cancelled on Sunday, so I had two snow days in the house. Enjoy some pics of our snow days…

Pictured Above: My lovely wife Monica and our good friend Danielle.

Pictured Above: Danielle wore these shoes on a walk with Monica.

Pictured Above: The girls made homemade sugar cookies. They were fantastic!

Pictured Above: One of the Students from WEC, Dillon Tulip, was quite the entrepreneur. He went door to door shoveling driveways for cash money.

Pictured Above: A first in the Shepherd home…animals. To entice our friends, Dan and Danielle, to come over Monica said they could bring their dogs. It was weird having animals in my house, but it was worth it to hang out with our friends.

Pictured Above: Our town home in the snow.

Pictured Above: This was what we saw out our front door.
Now you may notice that I’m not featured in these pictures. That’s because I spent most of my time watching movies, and playing video games with my buddy Dan. I enjoy a good snow day, but I enjoy it because everything shuts down and you get to simply hang out with people. I’m not a big fan of playing in the snow. Plus I don’t have any snow clothes. I didn’t even own a jacket until Monica made me get one last year. Ok she didn’t make me get one she bought one for me for Christmas…and I’m very thankful.