When I first started this blog I didn’t have a fat clue about blogging. I started it because I thought it would be a great way to connect with other pastors around the country. What I came to find out is that I like writing a blog, and I’m not good at connecting with other pastors. The blog is fun for me. I enjoy sharing my thoughts with the worldwide web.
- I’ve blogged too often. One time I did 9 posts in one day.
- I’ve written too much. I know people don’t like to read long blogs and yet I’ve been guilty of this far too many times.
- I didn’t interact with the readers. I love receiving comments on the blog! What I failed to do is respond to the comments. I think my lack of response has led some to stop leaving comments.
- I lack focus. This is one I don’t know how to fix. When people ask me what my blog is about I have a hard time telling them. The big wigs say you have to focus your blog in order to keep readership.
So to the faithful robshep.com readers…I’m sorry. I’ll try to do better. Thanks for staying with me as I try to figure out how to blog.
For a great list of ten blogging mistakes check out Michael Hyatt’s blog.
When I read the title, I thought you were going to tell us that you decided to stop blogging. Good thing that was not the case. I need my Rob fix. By the way, it's your blog. You write whatever you want, however you want, whenever you want. You have lots of fun, silly, important, and deep things to share. I will be here waiting for whatever you decide to do.
Thanks Daniel. But I do want my blog to be the best it can be. If writing too long or not responding to comments scares off readers then I want to do better.
too long of posts? have you ever read mark driscoll's blog? neither have I, cause the posts are 4 days long…i check your blog out almost every day…you have a broad range of topics, but i love your themed posts (move reviews and brain dumps and stuff)…thanks!
I think you & your blog are sexy. Happy blogging!
I love your blog, Rob…and I know Billy does too! 🙂 I was scared you were quitting when I saw the title. haha. I've found this thing called Disqus that I use on my blog, that seems like it makes it easier to respond directly to certain comments…you might look into that!
Well, I like your blog because you post frequently. I like it because it is about LOTS of different topics. I like it because it can be serious or funny or both! I think it is good. Just the way it is. SO keep on blogging it up, robshep!
I started blogging for the same reasons. It was fun that time, and it's still fun for me. Readership, followers, comments… they shouldn't really matter to you that much. This is, after all, your space… and if you want it to go without a definition, so be it.
Of course, this is just my point of view. Yours might differ.
Cheers 🙂
we are still here rob! i enjoy your randomness. smiles.
Billy, thanks man.
Mon – you are amazing!
Thanks AL. I'll have to look into that.
Bethany, you are the best.
Iddy, thanks for the comment.
Brian, I appreciate it bro.
Just to clarify, I'm appologizing because I want my blog to be better. I like my blog and I love the comments that I recieved on this post. The point though is that there are things that I can do better…and I'm going to try.
i guess there's always room for improvement, but i'm pretty sure you'll find such ways to do so naturally as you continue blogging. i'm not going anywhere!
I, too, like the randomness of your blog. What do they know?
It's your blog and like everyone has said, you can do whatever you want with it. I love reading your blog and I think that if you are writing truthfully about whatever it is your writing about, then it can't be better. So don't apologize and just keep doing what you are doing.
But Rob, I have been thinking about this… Everyone says do what you want blah blah blah, which I agree with… BUT I think the point you are making is that you ALWAYS want to try and be better. If we are not trying to improve whatever it is that we are doing, then it is going to become mediocre. I get it. I understand your point. Good for you, wanting to be the best! More power to ya! But your blog is my favorite, haha!
Bethany, that's my point! Because this is a blog and not a journal it's for others to read. I want it to be the best i can make it. If I didn't I would just have a journal. I appreciate the comment love.
@Daniel – he skeered me too! Rob… don't eva do that again. Seriously bro, good job here. I still don't have things figured out either. Your blog is fun and informative too – two great qualities that I enjoy.
–Terrace Crawford
Thanks Terrace.