Maybe it’s because I recently watched the preview for the upcoming A-Team movie, but lately I’ve been thinking about fools. I remember being a kid, watching the A-Team, I’d run around quoting Mr. T saying over and over again “I pity the fool!” Back then I had no idea what that meant.
We all make mistakes but it’s foolish to not learn from them. “As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.” I pray for wisdom daily because I don’t want to be destroyed by foolish decisions. If you don’t learn from your mistakes, if you choose to do what’s wrong, if you willingly ignore the potential consequences; then there is nothing left to do but pity the fool.
Bow before me, for I am king of the fools! The burden of this title is crushing. In time, and with lots of help, I am making improvements. Blessings to you my friend.
andy has written a couple really good books on this…i too pray for wisdom, though i have been the fool.