Are there interesting people at your gym? It seems as if no matter when I go to the gym I see certain types of people. I wish that I had a reason to talk to some of these people to figure out what makes them tick. They are unique, but at the same time they are not the only people I’ve ever seen do what they do. For example…

  • The Jeans Joggers – these are people who wear jeans to run on the treadmill or to lift weights. I wish I knew one of them so I could ask if they don’t have any shorts or if this is their way of protesting against them.
  • The Khakis Pants People – these are the people who try to one up the Jeans Joggers by wearing Khakis pants to the gym.
  • The Rules Don’t Apply – I’ve seen this personality type a few times in a class I take called Power Cut. The whole class is following the instructors instructions except for this person. They do their own routine.
  • The Grunters – these are people that whether they are running on the elliptical or lifting weights they manage to let out a grunt. Why? Because they can. There is no other explanation as to why a person should grunt on the elliptical.
  • The Talkers – these people come to the gym to talk. They can’t read body language or the fact that you have headphones on. They are going to talk to you no matter what.
  • The Stretchers – these people stretch. There is nothing wrong with a little stretching, but these people do Tai Chi in the middle of the gym.
  • The Gross – these people are gross because they don’t whipe down their machine after they use it. They leave their sweat for the next person.