So for Christmas I got a Snuggie. In case you haven’t been exposed to the cultural phenom that is the Snuggie, a Snuggie is a blanket with sleeves. My wife saw a super hero Snuggie at the mall and surprised me with this hilarious gift. I’m not going to lie it has now become my blanket of choice. Enjoy some pics…
Pictured Below: My brother got a matching Snuggie from his wife for Christmas.
Brian Miller
on December 28, 2009 at 3:47 pm
snuggies scare me…though one like that one…i just may give in. nice.
Susan, I'm sorry you got left out. They have a knock off version of them at Roses for $5. I think they are called Huggies. Let me know and I'll pick you up one.
John, I think you need one in Australia.
Danielle, I'm still thinking about getting Dan one.
snuggies scare me…though one like that one…i just may give in. nice.
I cannot believe I did not invent this thing… I mean, we could be millionnaires Rob. Milionnaires.
–Terrace Crawford
A Snuggie huh? I was just starting to respect you too. LOL.
Rockin snugg dude! 😉 haha my sister's whole family got them..i got left out 🙁 enjoy it!! 🙂
Matching snuggies with your brother?? Only in America?!?!
I'm with Terrance, can't believe I didn't invent it. Love it rob.
Sorry Terrace, spelled it wrong.
Brian, don't be scared.
Terrace, I hear ya. We'd be rich.
Daniel, I was just starting to respect myself.
Susan, I'm sorry you got left out. They have a knock off version of them at Roses for $5. I think they are called Huggies. Let me know and I'll pick you up one.
John, I think you need one in Australia.
Danielle, I'm still thinking about getting Dan one.
I have always wanted a Snuggie! SO cool! I saw a Jack Skellington one that I wanted at the mall!