I don’t get God. In fact there are a lot of things about God that just don’t make sense. Like why doesn’t He show up anymore? In the Old Testament He seemed to show up a lot. I’d like a burning bush every now and again. Another thing that doesn’t make sense is how God is one and yet at the same time three…Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. That may not be a big deal to you but that claim almost got Jesus stoned (and I’m not talking about the wacky weed). I don’t get why God doesn’t step in more when tragedy arises. I don’t get why God allows negligent, unloving people to have kids, while potential great parents are barren.

There are a lot of things about God that just don’t make sense, but some how God still makes sense of my life. I don’t get God and truthfully I’m glad. If I could fully understand God what type of supreme being would that be?

What makes sense to me is that I need Him in my life. Without Him I’m lost. I’m a better husband, friend, and human being because of God. What makes sense is that I’m imperfect and in need of a Savior. What doesn’t make sense is how God would love me despite my imperfection. What doesn’t make sense is how God would pursue me despite how many times I’ve turned my back on Him. God doesn’t make sense but He makes sense of my life.