I read something yesterday that has my brain stirring with thought. I think that the level we are willing to obey God is linked to the level in which God is going to use us.

Here’s what has me thinking this. I read yesterday about Abraham and how God promised him that he would have a child. Currently my wife and I are on our fifth year of trying to have a baby and I find hope in Abraham’s story. Abraham was 99 years old when God told him he was going to have a son. Right after God tells him this God establishes a covenant with Abraham. Now don’t zone out, this is crazy. God says that Abraham has to circumcise himself in order to establish a covenant. What! Abraham had to preform surgery on himself before he received what God promised.

Abraham was 99 years old and God told him to take a sharp blade and cut off part of his… you know. Abraham must have really trusted God to go through with this. But wait there’s more. God tells Abraham to circumcise every male that is a part of his family. Can you imagine being one of his guy servants when you hear what God said. “YOU WANT TO CUT OFF PART OF MY WHAT?”

To Be Continued…