Thousands of years ago God provided manna from Heaven for the Israelites in the wilderness. No one knows what that manna tasted like but I suspect it was a lot like a Chipotle burrito. Like manna from Heaven God inspired the yummy goodness that is Chipotle. If you let me pick where we’re eating I’m picking it ever time.

Don’t judge me, but I may or may not have eaten at Chipotle 4 times last week. I had a gift card and our Chipotle just opened so this trend won’t continue. It was worth it though.

I love Chipotle. I’ve heard people say that they like Moe’s better…everyone is entitled to their opinion but in my opinion if you prefer Moe’s you have faulty taste buds. I’ve heard people say that it’s too spicy. In my opinion, if that’s you, man up and learn to love the spicy goodness that is Chipotle.

It is without a doubt my favorite restaurant. I love it and I think you should too!