Last week my wife and I went on our first cruise. Just in case you were wondering here are my thoughts about cruising…

  • There is a lot of food. We went on Carnival and I ate a lot. With that being said the food was good but not great. If anything on the boat was served at a local restaurant I would not go to that restaurant for the food. I don’t say that to be negative because I liked the food I just didn’t love it.
  • I don’t like laying out in the sun. My wife loves laying out in the sun. One day I was laying out and I felt like 4 hours went by. I knew I made a great effort. The truth was only 20 minutes had passed.
  • We went to Cozumel and Progresso Mexico.
  • We got an hour long massage on the beach for $10 each. It was worth every penny. However if I paid $11 I would have been mad. The masseuse liked to use her elbows and the karate chop method. I don’t think either are effective.
  • I bought a Luchador Mask. These are the masks that Mexican Wrestlers wear. Mine looks like Spider-Man.
  • I won a competition on the boat. It was movie theme songs and I got 8 out of 11 right. I missed Casper (seriously this should not be in the competition), 1941 (who has seen this), and Temple of Doom (I put Indiana Jones but it had to be specific). The prize is a ship on a stick.
  • Doing a cruise with friends is the way to go. We had a lot of fun with our friends.
  • All week long I put SBF 50 sunblock on. I don’t think I got any sun, so on the last day I put on 15 and I burned. I’m white. I wish I would have got a little tanner, but I’m glad I didn’t burn on the first day.
  • I liked being unplugged from everything. I couldn’t text, get online, or check email.
  • We didn’t do any excursions because they were expensive. Maybe next time but for now we just wanted to enjoy the cruise.
  • Overall I liked a cruise. I want to go again. My wife loved it. She is ready to go tomorrow.