I try to be thankful for things. I don’t always succeed but I want to be thankful for things…even the things that I don’t like. For example I’m thankful for public restrooms, but I hate em. First off the restroom is supposed to be experienced in private. For the first few years of our lives going to the bathroom is a spectator event, but that is because someone else cleaned us up. Once you become potty trained the bathroom is a private moment. The problem with public restrooms is that the private becomes public.

There are some things that just shouldn’t be shared with strangers. On my drive home from my vacation a guy tried to open the stall I was in. Luckily I locked the door. He then asked if anyone was in there. Awkward. I wouldn’t have answered but he sounded panicked and I was afraid he would have crawled under the door if I didn’t answer. I sheepishly told him yes. When I left the stall he went in and started ripping the loudest farts I’ve ever heard. I don’t want to share that moment with anyone. There I was trying to wash my hands and this guy is machine gunning farts. I left that experience being very thankful for public restrooms, but I truly do hate em.