My wife reads like a machine. Have you ever seen a movie where a robot digests a book by feverishly flipping through the pages retaining every word they scan? That’s my wife. She read 3, count em, 3 Twilight books in three days. She’s on the fourth now, which is the size of two encyclopedias. She will have read that one before the day is over. That’s not all. She has read 7 books in 7 days.
So how about you…are you a reader? If so do you read like a machine or are you slow and steady?
I wish I could read like that. But I'm more like you. Only worse. Currently I'm making my way through a collection of Sherlock Holmes stories.
put me in the machine category. love to read. your wife puts me to shame though recently. both books you are reading now are great! high recommendations myself!
The amount that I read depends on the season of life that I am in. For the past two years, I have read about 35 adult books per year. Sometimes I have 2 or 3 books in progress at a given moment. Sometimes I read 100 pages in a day, other days pass and I don't get a chance to pick up a book. There have been some seasons of my life where I was anti-reading and didn't touch a book for years. I guess that I am somewhere in between the two extremes you mention. I am not a machine (and don't want to be), nor am I a snail-paced reader either. Also a shout out to you for a couple of books that you have turned me onto. Have a great day.
reading machine, i am not. But i will sit out on the balacony (or by the pool) and devour a book bite by bite if it catches my interest. I feel summer is the only time i really CAN read and enjoy because i like to read for LOOONNNGGG periods of time.
So i guess I'm a healthy mix between You and Monica.
Y'all sound exactly like Billy and I. I LOVE reading, and read really fast. *I read through the Twilight series recently too!* He does like reading, but it takes him a lot longer to finish a book.
if i'm really into the book, i'm definitely like a machine. i'm too anxious for what's to come on the next page to put it down for too long, if at all
granted… the majority of what i read are graphic novels, and comic…. but still
Bit by bit until I get almost to the end. I can NOT imagine reading a book in a day. I just finished The Shack. Thanks for the sugestion.
Reading machine…I, too, read the last 3 Twilight books in a day each. The only reason it took me awhile to get through the first one was because I had a hard time getting into it. Since then, I've re-read 2 of them and am back on the 3rd one. I think I've read about 10 books since the start of the month of June…some of them being quite long (Twilight series). I can only read fiction that fast though. I have a very difficult time reading non-fiction quickly.