My brain feels constipated with thoughts. I need to get them out. The following is a brain dump of all the random stuff going on in my head.

  • I had a great 4th of July Weekend. I didn’t have to work Thursday or Friday, so me and my wife took some friends to her parents river house. It was fun.
  • I did have to work on the fourth because I had to make sure my talk was ready for Sunday.
  • I spoke at my church, Waters Edge, yesterday.
  • It was my first time speaking since we’ve opened our new building.
  • I felt good about the services at Waters Edge on Sunday. Lead Pastor, Stu Hodges, was on vacation. I definitely missed having him around.
  • I did make a little girl cry because I mentioned in my talk that I used to believe in Santa Clause. I’m sure I’m going to hear about this one. I never said that Santa wasn’t real, but apparently she was crushed.
  • The river house doesn’t have cable so I didn’t know that Ron Artest became a Laker until yesterday. This is crazy. He is a great player who may be psycho. If anyone can keep him in check it’s Phil Jackson. If you’ll remember Phil coached Dennis Rodman to three championships in Chicago. We did lose Trevor Ariza to free agency. He was a HUGE part of the Lakers championship.
  • My sister, Sarah, and her family are in town. They live in Ohio. It’s always fun to see them.
  • She has two really cute kids. She also has a blog. Click here to check it out.
  • My sisters husband Scott has a blog. He updates almost everyday. I enjoy his blog. Check it out by clicking here.
  • Went on a double date with Sarah and Scott last night. Went to see the movie “The Proposal” Look for the review later today.
  • Monica and I booked our first cruise. Neither of us have ever been on a cruise before. Everyone tells us it’s amazing, so I can’t wait. The only thing that makes me nervous is the thought of sleeping on the bottom deck. I saw the movie Titanic and when the boat goes down they lock the gate to the bottom deck so no one can get out. Those people don’t stand a chance. I don’t know where our room is but I’m hoping it’s not on the bottom deck.
  • I leave for camp a week from today. I love camp. This year we are taking 82 students. It is one of my favorite weeks of the year, and I can’t wait to go.
  • Pizza Hut has a new BIG $5 menu. The commercials makes it look good. I’m going to try to eat there some time soon.
  • I’m hoping to get the new Hillsong United CD soon. I love Hillsong’s style of worship.
  • I talked to one of my students at Waters Edge, who I’ve known for a year now. He asked me what I did for a living. I laughed. He was serious. So I told him I worked at Waters Edge Church. He then asked if that was a full time job. I explained to him all that I do and then told him the amount of hours the staff at Waters Edge works. He was blown away. It amazes me how many people are shocked that working at a church is a full time job. It’s funny to me that they come every week and see the service and it never dawns on them that someone had to work their butt off to pull it off. I love that though, because it’s a sign that many of the people coming to Waters Edge don’t have a fat clue how churches work. They’ve never been to church before so they have never thought about it being a job. I love that.
  • Tonight is my last night with my current Adult Community Group. A Community Group is a small group who meets weekly for to share life, and discuss the Bible. I’ve been with this group for over a year now. It’s always a little sad to end a group, but at the same time it’s exciting because it means we get to start a new group.

Whew. I feel better now that all of that is out.