There is not a lot of good television during the summer. Because of the lack of quality programming I’ve DVR’d a few shows that normally wouldn’t not get my time. I found out the MC Hammer has a reality TV show. I also started watching “I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here!”

One of the celebs on the show is John Salley. I’ve followed John’s career for years. He was a part of the “Bad Boys” of basketball, the Detroit Pistons. He also had a cameo in both the “Bad Boys” movies. He won four championship rings with three different teams (two with Detroit, one with Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls, and one with Shaq and Kobe in LA). He is also one of the hosts of The Best Da#n Sports Show Period. I went to a live taping of this show in LA. It’s highly entertaining.

Anyway, last week on I’m a Celebrity… John mentioned that he doesn’t have any friends. He then mentioned how he now has (I think) six new friends because of the show. It made me sad. Here’s a guy who has accomplished a lot. He may not be an “A list” celebrity but he is known by lots of people. How can he claim he doesn’t have many or any friends?

I think that his statement is shared by most people. It’s easy to have a lot of people know who you are but to not really be known by anyone. It’s easy to have a bazillion friends on Facebook and feel friendless. It’s easy to be surrounded by people and feel like you are all alone. I sometimes find myself sharing John Salley’s statement. How about you?

I think the key is to be a friend. If you want great friends you have to be a great friend. If you want to truly be known and know other people you have to invest in people’s lives. It’s not easy but it’s worth it. In my opinion it’s better to be a nobody that has deep friendships then a celebrity that is lonely.