Do you have a nickname? If so how did you get it? It’s kind of an art to give a good nickname. A lot of people don’t give them. A lot of people don’t have them. Some people get one and it doesn’t stick. But a few people get a good nickname and it sticks.
If you are lacking a nickname you can spend some time creating one at You can type in your name and pick a category to find your nickname. Some of the categories to choose from are Superhero, Gangster, Rap Artist, Pirate, and Pokemon. According to this site my rap nickname is Phantom Enchanter. I don’t know what that means?
have not had a nickname since college. having a computer generate one for me seems much too sterile. off to make enough noise to get a nickname!
in high school i was "jess bess" with my friends, which was quickly shortened to "bess". The three girls I was best friends with in high school still call me this. 🙂
in college one of my friends called me "doodle". can't really remember how she came up with it, but it stuck.
nicknames ROCK!
dp… we just took our initials in college and used them… jk, dp, g-money and a-rock… ok, at least myself and joey had our intials… g-money was grant, don't know how money got involved and it all started with my crazy roommate andy lee as a-rock. I'm actually pretty sure he gave himself that nickname, but he was crazy enough that people just went with it. He was one of those guys that talked about himself in third person. If you talk about yourself in third person you should have a nickname. It sometimes confuses people who don't know you.
my nickname is Kuch…my dad's nickname was Kuch…his dad's nickname was Kuch and so on and so on.
today's word verification:hootope
definition:the hootope are a group of mountain people that worship the hooting owl
I have had MANY nicknames over the years… My Daddy calls me Mullet, My Mom called me Bunny Rabbit, all my nieces and nephews and some other kids call me Nonnie. I think nicknames are fun. Obviously, I call my husband Bub, no idea why, it started with Bubby and now he is my Bub. Just the way it is. I have nicknames for my daughers, Eden is mija (pronounced me-ha) which is spanish for "my daughter" and Addy Lin is Biggie. Who knows why, it just stuck!
Also, I wanted to verify something, my Dad is a fisherman. So the nickname Mullet did not come from me having a bad hair cut. It came from the fish meaning.
My nickname from Rob: Stone Cold Austin-Lee Roy…haha. 🙂
Whoaday-nuff said
Austin Lee, I remember that. The Stone Cold was from Stone Cold Steve Austin. I had forgotten about the Lee Roy part. Lee Roy came from a movie where the main character was named Bruce Lee-Roy. Oh the memories. That takes me back.
In middle school I was doomed with the nickname Twiggy, I don't know why. In high school I was Chard, which I liked but never took, and in the army I was cowboy! Also one summer I thought it would be fun to try Richman but I just got laughed at.
My youngest son started replacing Mom and Dad with Mim and Did. I prize being a Mom and didn't actually care for it too much at first. However, it seemed to stick, and there are some definite advantages. When someone calls, "Mim" in a crowded room there are not going to be 40 other moms responding. That's my special handle; it's unique to me and our family. Another advantage is with the spouses of our children; there's no awkward calling an in-law "Mom" when they already have a mom. No, Mim is an endearing good alternate and has proven to have some advantages.
I have had a few nicknames. some of my family and old friends call me Nell, a friend from college calls me Dano or Danopants, some will call me D, which I kinda like. Dan sometimes calls me Yeller, which I only appreciate when he is not making fun of me.
Carbaby is my nick name my family used to call me that and then friends started it.
That is an interesting point you made about it being an "art" to create a good nickname — I used to work with a guy that gave all the kids GREAT nicknames (he was one of kids favorite teachers EVER).
So I went to that name generator site to see what my gangsta name was, to my suprise chornsbizzle was not there. I think that site is broken it must be.
My nicknames are T and Tone. I got T from a friend in middle school and it kind of just stuck I guess. She said it was easier to say than TONI. Um, really? I didn't know it was soooo hard to my name. It only has 2 syllables as opposed to the one syllable of the letter T. Reed and my mom are pretty much the only ones who use it. Tab and Stu call me Tone with the kids calling me Tone-Tone.
Anna's nickname is Annabelle which I often just shorten to Belle/Bella. Its actually crossed my mind to have it legally changed to Annabelle. When she was 5, I asked her what her middle name was and she thought it was Belle. It is Grace though. When she was a baby, I called her Annabutt but once it became innappropriate to say BUTT around her, I stopped using it.
Bethany, you're not the only one I know with a fish name for a nickname. Ask my sister what her nickname growing up was! She even had it put on her class ring.
i jokingly created one, due to the log-in account name i had during high school. it took the first 3 letters of your first name, and the first 5 of your last…. jacholla…. thus J-Holla. and people caught wind of it and ran with it… and it's stuck around ever since