My dad is amazing. He is probably the nicest guy you will ever meet. Looking back over my childhood one thing I greatly appreciate about my dad is how he showed interest in whatever we were interested in.

He took interest in Wrestling when Hulk Hogan was my hero. He took interest in basketball by coming to my games and staying updated on how the Lakers were doing. He took interest in my life. Still to this day he takes interest. I get my love for movies from my dad and there are many times he goes to see a movie, that he doesn’t really care about, just to spend time with me and my brother.

Thanks Dad for taking an interest. Happy Padres Day.

Bonus: For the past 8 years I’ve been blessed with a Padre in Law. My Father in Law is one of the hardest working men I’ve ever met. He is a ninja at fixing just about anything. I am blessed to have him in my life.