I hate lima beans. I refuse to eat them. Now the funny thing is I’ve never actually tasted lima beans. One night my parents told me and my two siblings that we had to clean our plates in order to get dessert. The vegetable for the night was lima beans. My older sister crammed lima beans down her throat as fast as she could in order to get dessert. As my mom was bringing out her dessert my sister puked on her dinner plate. Since that day I’ve refused to eat lima beans.
You see the people that He said this to wanted Jesus to do another miracle. They wanted Jesus to do something that they could see. In other words they told Jesus that they wouldn’t believe in Him unless they had a sign. But Jesus doesn’t want to work that way. The way Jesus works is that you believe and then you will see.
I think a lot of people right off God before they have ever tasted (experienced) Him. I think a lot of people judge God by the loony Christian they met, or the bad church they experienced. I understand why, but I don’t think it’s fair. It’s not fair to judge God before we have experienced Him.
I say I hate lima beans, but I’ve never experienced them. I saw my sister puke and that experience caused me to right them off.
To be continued…
lima beans are on my hate list as well…
Lima beans are from the devil (i.e. satan or The Beast).