Americans love food. We plan meetings around it, include it in all the best holidays, make candles to smell like it, have professional eating contests, and show the world how much we love it by the size of our guts. We love food!

In the Bible Jesus said that if we want real life then we have to eat Him. I love food as much as the next guy, but I draw the line at eating the Son of God. I’ve often said that anything fried would taste good, but I think Jesus is the exception.

I’m not trying to be controversial or irreverent with this series of posts. I promise if you stay with me we will find a point to all of this.

Why did Jesus say this to His followers? Looking at the context of this verse will help us understand, at least why Jesus said what He said. Here’s the scene…Jesus just finished doing a major miracle. He fed over 5,000 people with a only five loaves and two fish. Just a little while later the crowd finds Jesus and He tells them that they need to do the work that God requires. What does God require? Jesus said that God requires that you believe in Him.

Right after Jesus says this the crowd asks for Jesus to do a miracle to back up what He is saying. Are you kidding me? The people already saw a miracle. I think Jesus point is that the people didn’t really believe in Him. Just to make sure He says EAT ME. I think this derives from “Bite Me.” The crowd gets offended and leaves. They didn’t really believe.

To be continued…