My brain feels constipated with thoughts. The following is a brain dump of all the random stuff going on in my head.

  • Phil Poteat, Worship Programming Manager at Waters Edge, is doing a concert at Tuscany tonight. If you live in the 757 you should go.
  • I mysteriously hurt my back on Tuesday. It started hurting right as I walked into the gym. I preceded to work out with weights and I hurt it worse. It feels better today, but it is still not 100%.
  • I’m excited about church tomorrow. Lead Pastor, Stu Hodges, has a great talk prepared.
  • Everyone I know is going to see The Hangover. I wish it was rated PG-13. I hate when they make Rated R comedies. They add stuff that I just don’t need to see, so most of the time I don’t go to see the film.
  • I’m going to do a series of blog posts entitled Does Jesus Taste Like Chicken. Stay tuned.
  • The Lakers can win their 15th championship tomorrow night at 8:00 PM. I don’t think they will win it in Orlando. I hope they do though.
  • The Fray are coming to VA Beach tomorrow night and I am missing it.
  • Even worse NeedtoBreathe is coming to Busch Gardens tomorrow night and I am missing it.
  • Good thing is NeedtoBreathe is coming to Norfolk next Friday. I’m there!
  • I’m wondering what your plans are for the weekend?