What if the Hokey Pokey really is what it’s all about?
What happens when you spell I cup out loud?
What does PU stand for (as in “PU, that stinks!”)?
Why do people think that swaying their arm back and forth would change the direction of a bowling ball?
Is there a time limit on fortune cookie predictions?
Here’s how you play. Answer the previous 5 Good Questions in the comment section. At some point in the future Rob will decide which person answered the best and declare a winner.
Jessie M.
on June 11, 2009 at 11:55 am
1:: paraplegics would be out of luck 2:: that's not appropriate in public 3:: "is that PEE on YOU" (that would smell and is related to no.2) 4:: e=mc^2 I believe is the best answer to that question 5:: yes, similar to the friendship bracelet rule, once the printed fortune either rubs off or the paper in which its printed on rips/breaks/disintegrates the fortune is no longer applicable.
1. Giving middle aged white men hope on the dance floor since 19(something). 2. Everyone standing close to you immediately takes one step back. 3. Per (sonny b) on yahoo answers…"1) It's a shortened term for puteo, which is Latin for "to stink, be redolent, or smell bad."… [thanks sonny b] 4. Proof that people still believe in magic. 5. Yes. Once the mold appears the prediction is now stale.
Jessie and Scott, you two gave great answers! Very creative and funny. You should start a blog…oh wait you both have them. And they are good. I hope that people who read this will click on your names and go read your blog.
1.The Hokey pokey calmed down a room of 15 screaming babies on Sunday so i would say that is what it's all about. 2.You can get a fine for up to $250 if a cop says that. 3.I believe it is a sound effect 4.Bowling alleys serve beer in pitchers enough said 5.Only if you leave it on the tray and throw it away if you keep it in your under garments it will remain true.
1.If that's what it's all about, refreshing, relaxing, a reminder–don't sweat the small stuff 2.Very visionary directional reminder to keep looking up. 3. Pucker up– 4.Energy invested in invisible air waves–produces aerodynamic advantage. 5. If it hasn't happened by the time you finish the cookie, don't count on it.
1. if so, then my priorities aren't what they should be. less kelly clarkson, more hokey pokey 2. my grandma nods her head "yes" 3. pungent umbrella. a sharp-smelling & distressing umbrella-like cone of smell 4. it's an ancient practice of mixing witchcraft with the art of bowling. common folk don't understand the method, so they just mimic the arm-swaying like the ball-throwing sheep they are. 5. every fortune cookie prediction i've ever received had a self-destruct sequence of approximately 31.4 hours… so i assume that's the time limit
1. Then my 4 years of college and 6 years of post-graduate work were all worth it.
2. I begin to giggle like a giddy school girl.
3. The answer to this question is soooo easy. It stands for Punjab University. A collection of nerds (who are hygienically challenged under the best of circumstances) who live in a portion of the world that does not allow anyone to go anywhere near water.
4. They are trying to look as dorky as possible. What do you expect from folks who refer to themselves as "keglers".
5. I hope not. The last fortune cookie that I received said that I was handsome and most delicious! Words that I cling to (desparately).
1:: paraplegics would be out of luck
2:: that's not appropriate in public
3:: "is that PEE on YOU" (that would smell and is related to no.2)
4:: e=mc^2 I believe is the best answer to that question
5:: yes, similar to the friendship bracelet rule, once the printed fortune either rubs off or the paper in which its printed on rips/breaks/disintegrates the fortune is no longer applicable.
1. Giving middle aged white men hope on the dance floor since
2. Everyone standing close to you immediately takes one step back.
3. Per (sonny b) on yahoo answers…"1) It's a shortened term for puteo, which is Latin for "to stink, be redolent, or smell bad."… [thanks sonny b]
4. Proof that people still believe in magic.
5. Yes. Once the mold appears the prediction is now stale.
Jessie and Scott, you two gave great answers! Very creative and funny. You should start a blog…oh wait you both have them. And they are good. I hope that people who read this will click on your names and go read your blog.
1.The Hokey pokey calmed down a room of 15 screaming babies on Sunday so i would say that is what it's all about.
2.You can get a fine for up to $250 if a cop says that.
3.I believe it is a sound effect
4.Bowling alleys serve beer in pitchers enough said
5.Only if you leave it on the tray and throw it away if you keep it in your under garments it will remain true.
1.If that's what it's all about, refreshing, relaxing, a reminder–don't sweat the small stuff
2.Very visionary directional reminder to keep looking up.
3. Pucker up–
4.Energy invested in invisible air waves–produces aerodynamic advantage.
5. If it hasn't happened by the time you finish the cookie, don't count on it.
1. if so, then my priorities aren't what they should be. less kelly clarkson, more hokey pokey
2. my grandma nods her head "yes"
3. pungent umbrella. a sharp-smelling & distressing umbrella-like cone of smell
4. it's an ancient practice of mixing witchcraft with the art of bowling. common folk don't understand the method, so they just mimic the arm-swaying like the ball-throwing sheep they are.
5. every fortune cookie prediction i've ever received had a self-destruct sequence of approximately 31.4 hours… so i assume that's the time limit
1. Then my 4 years of college and 6 years of post-graduate work were all worth it.
2. I begin to giggle like a giddy school girl.
3. The answer to this question is soooo easy. It stands for Punjab University. A collection of nerds (who are hygienically challenged under the best of circumstances) who live in a portion of the world that does not allow anyone to go anywhere near water.
4. They are trying to look as dorky as possible. What do you expect from folks who refer to themselves as "keglers".
5. I hope not. The last fortune cookie that I received said that I was handsome and most delicious! Words that I cling to (desparately).