Thanks for taking the time to read Some of you read because you are friends of mine. Others read because you go to Waters Edge Church. Some of you have blogs of your own and we have met via the world wide web. There is one last group of people who read It’s the people who stumble across my site via a google or web search. Some pretty funny searches have led people to Here are some of the recent searches that led people here (with my comments in parenthesis). They get weirder as the list goes on.

  • Carlyn and Jamey (good friends who just got married)
  • What to say after a sermon (I did a series of posts on this a few weeks ago)
  • Should I drop my maiden name (This post generated the second most comments I’ve ever had.
  • Funny Photo Face Game (I’m glad to see it’s sweeping the nation)
  • How do I know I’m uncool (I don’t know but you could play the game cool or uncool at
  • Racquetball naked (why would you look for this online?)
  • Punched him in the mouth teeth (I’m not a violent person)
  • You skin that smoke wagon and we’ll see what happens (This is just crazy. I don’t have a fat clue what this means but some how it led them to