Thanks for taking the time to read Some of you read because you are friends of mine. Others read because you go to Waters
- Carlyn and Jamey (good friends who just got married)
- What to say after a sermon (I did a series of posts on this a few weeks ago)
- Should I drop my maiden name (This post generated the second most comments I’ve ever had.
- Funny Photo Face Game (I’m glad to see it’s sweeping the nation)
- How do I know I’m uncool (I don’t know but you could play the game cool or uncool at
- Racquetball naked (why would you look for this online?)
- Punched him in the mouth teeth (I’m not a violent person)
- You skin that smoke wagon and we’ll see what happens (This is just crazy. I don’t have a fat clue what this means but some how it led them to
Whoa robshep. Possum on a gum bush. What does that last one even mean?
I was visited by an angelic being in my sleep that told me to come.
I googled “young hot sexy pastor.”
i’ll admit the smoking one was mine…its pretty popular in europe and used your name instead of mine for anonymity. lol.
The smoke wagon line is actually in the movie Tombstone… you blogged about our I’m your Huckleberry experience dining out… I guess Tombstone quotes led someone to
Good call DP. I didn’t remember that line from Tombstone.
Yeah, it’s a great line, Wyatt Earp uses it on the faro dealer he throws out of the saloon.
Wyatt Earp is smacking the guy and the guys still talking trash and then Wyatt Earp says something like, “are you going to skin that smoke wagon and go to work or just stand there and bleed?”. It’s one of the best lines in the movie. You should rewatch that part, it makes me smile thinking about it.
I got tired of hearing about all the cool stuff on this blog, so I had to start reading.
i actually just smacked the keyboard a couple times, ended up with “397hg87gf”, googled it.. and WHAM! topped out the list.
I have the privilege of working with robshep and he kept asking me if I read his blog, I finally started reading it. 😉
ROb how did you find this info???
John, I have statcounter. It’s a free download that tells me how many people come, where they come from, and even how they got there. There is a feature that shows recent searches and came from. The recent searches shows what people searched for and ended up on my site, the came from shows if people clicked over to my blog from somewhere else. So if someone links me or adds me to their blog roll and someone clicks over I find out. You can download it for free at