A friend of mine recently posted on his blog about a conversation he overheard. It was two woman who were bashing on men. I’ve heard this same conversation many times throughout the years. Men are idiots.

Here is some food for thought. If your husband is really an idiot then you are a bigger idiot because you married him. Nobody forced you to marry him. You fell in love with him or with the idea to change him. If he is really an idiot then don’t bash him bash yourself for not making better choices.

Most likely though your husband isn’t an idiot. We’ve all heard it before but men and woman are different. Just because someone is different or can’t do what you do doesn’t mean they are an idiot. I can’t play basketball like Kobe Bryant, I’m not not handy, and I don’t do well with details. Those are not my gifts and I’m fine with that. I need other people in my life to complete me. Your husband isn’t supposed to do everything as well as you do. He needs you.