Are you a hugger? I like hugs from people I know. Last week I met someone for the very first time and they hugged me. It wasn’t real awkward or anything but I did think “huh…I don’t know you and we are embracing with a full frontal hug.” So how bout it…do you hug everyone or reserve your hugs for those you love?
Jessie M.
on May 21, 2009 at 12:40 pm
i have to say i’m normally a hugger. Upon leaving someplace or saying goodbye to a group of people, I like to do SOMETHING to let the other people know “hey, I enjoyed meeting/hanging with you”. As a female…. handshakes come off awkward and business-like, so a hug seems like the logical choice. Don’t get me wrong, not EVERY occasion calls for a hug, but it is my departure move of choice 🙂
Hugs, except from grandparents, were not a part of my culture growing up. However, a church I attended as a young adult brought me into a culture where hugs took the place of handshakes within the fellowship of the church. So, I’m not a hugger by nature, but have acquired a comfort and freedom in hugging that I enjoy in family and fellowship with people I know, and have also become accustomed to people who randomly hug as an initial greeting much like a handshake.
if i hug it’s the butt-out-hug, real awkward both for the embraced and on lookers. personally i’m a no contact guy, maybe a punch in the arm or a rock pound, hugs are for my wife. i mean i even punch my mom in the arm instead of hug…JUST KIDDING…
I am a hugger, and my perspective *from the other side* is that I do feel bad when I notice it makes people uncomfortable. Oops. I had a roommate who would freak out when I tried to hug her, but I always forgot until it was too late. 🙂 And then it’s even more awkward to quit hugging mid-hug. Weird. 🙂
I don’t give either. It’s not awkward really when I receive hugs and I occassionally will give them to certain people, but I would say definitely not a “hugger”. Unless you’re referring to trees, than I’m pro-recycling and very, very anti-littering (I’m also pro-hunting and fishing though, so I don’t know that I actually fit).
PS my wife lies, she’s NOT a hugger. maybe with some people, but not overall.
I am a slight hugger sometimes I half hug but I like a full frontal every once in a while. Angela Arnold hates full frontal hugs so anyone reading this should give her one.
I am impartial. I love a good hug, but I’m probably not known for giving them. I have no problem if someone goes in for the hug…not awkward unless it is too long or their hands wander down. Haha.
i have to say i’m normally a hugger. Upon leaving someplace or saying goodbye to a group of people, I like to do SOMETHING to let the other people know “hey, I enjoyed meeting/hanging with you”. As a female…. handshakes come off awkward and business-like, so a hug seems like the logical choice. Don’t get me wrong, not EVERY occasion calls for a hug, but it is my departure move of choice 🙂
i hug, but i have to know you first…too awkward otherwise…
Mostly I reserve hugs for my daughter. I hug others only in emotional moments, typically goodbyes.
Hugs, except from grandparents, were not a part of my culture growing up. However, a church I attended as a young adult brought me into a culture where hugs took the place of handshakes within the fellowship of the church. So, I’m not a hugger by nature, but have acquired a comfort and freedom in hugging that I enjoy in family and fellowship with people I know, and have also become accustomed to people who randomly hug as an initial greeting much like a handshake.
if i hug it’s the butt-out-hug, real awkward both for the embraced and on lookers. personally i’m a no contact guy, maybe a punch in the arm or a rock pound, hugs are for my wife. i mean i even punch my mom in the arm instead of hug…JUST KIDDING…
I am a hugger, and my perspective *from the other side* is that I do feel bad when I notice it makes people uncomfortable. Oops. I had a roommate who would freak out when I tried to hug her, but I always forgot until it was too late. 🙂 And then it’s even more awkward to quit hugging mid-hug. Weird. 🙂
Hugger here.
Scott 757, I’ve never had a hug from you in my life.
I think I am a hugger, but probably only people that I have a good friendship with.
I’m a hugger…Was that my wife you were talking about…I’ll get her for that
Hugs are good! What is it that they say…. (Whoever “they” is)… Hugs not drugs!
Give hugs not drugs.
I don’t give either. It’s not awkward really when I receive hugs and I occassionally will give them to certain people, but I would say definitely not a “hugger”. Unless you’re referring to trees, than I’m pro-recycling and very, very anti-littering (I’m also pro-hunting and fishing though, so I don’t know that I actually fit).
PS my wife lies, she’s NOT a hugger. maybe with some people, but not overall.
Derrick, it was not your wife. I know you and your wife. This person I had never even seen before they hugged me.
I am a slight hugger sometimes I half hug but I like a full frontal every once in a while. Angela Arnold hates full frontal hugs so anyone reading this should give her one.
Typically, not a hugger. I like my personal space. I do hug my people and my very best friends, but that is all.
I am impartial. I love a good hug, but I’m probably not known for giving them. I have no problem if someone goes in for the hug…not awkward unless it is too long or their hands wander down. Haha.