Would you work at your job if you weren’t getting paid?

A few months ago my pastor made a comment in one of his talks that I don’t think he thought anyone would take him up on. He was talking on volunteering and he said if you have time to volunteer during the week we have plenty of work for you to do. The next day at 8:30 in the morning a guy from our church showed up to work. He worked all day and then came back the next day, and the next, and the next. In fact he hasn’t left since. Everyday this guy comes to work at the same time the staff does and most days he leaves when we leave. By the way he also volunteers during all four services on Sundays. He works his butt off and he does it as a volunteer.

Today I was working with him and I had this thought. Would you do your job if you weren’t getting paid? I think a huge sign of having passion for your job is if you would do it without getting paid. Now I know you need money to live, but if money wasn’t an option would you still work at your job? If you wouldn’t work at your job for free then your probably not passionate about it. Maybe it’s not the right job for you. I think we were created to do specific things in life. We were gifted with certain passions and desires. If your job doesn’t bring out those in you then you should change jobs. If you don’t think you can then change your attitude.

Just a thought I had today as I worked along side the hardest working non paid staff member I know.