A few weeks ago I asked God to show me what I needed to work on. This is always one of those prayers that God answers quickly for me. For the last week it’s as if incredibly slow people have been placed in my path to reveal how impatient I am.
I was trying to park at the grocery store the other day and a woman, who had one foot in the grave, was moving at a snail like pace across the street. At first I didn’t mind waiting for her, but after a minute of watching her cross the street I wanted to get out of my car, pick her up and put her in a shopping cart to wheel her into the store.
Later in the week there was a woman who was on an elliptical at the gym. All the machines I normally use were taken so I decided to hop on a machine that I don’t really like. I watched this woman on the elliptical move so slow the machine would ask if she was still there in between strides. I’m not joking. It was so slow I thought she was moving in slow motion. The whole time I was getting really frustrated because she was on the machine that I use.
For about a week now whenever someone moves at a slug like pace and they are in my way I start singing a song that I used to listen to as a kid. The song lyrics were something like…
It’s funny but singing this song is the only thing that helps calm my impatience down. If you would like to hear a snail sing this song click here. Maybe it will help you if you are like me and struggle with being patient.
If you’re forming an impatient persons club, sign me up because I am the same way. But, don’t make me wait too long or I will scream.
i think that if the song was running through my head, i would be impatient witht he person who taught it to me. maybe God was telling you to cart the lady around in her cart? hmmm….
thank you Brian for calling the shopping “basket” by it’s real name.
I can relate to this one. When getting ready to go to an event, I don’t watch the clock; I just gauge my time to get dressed by what my husband is doing. When he gets to a certain point, I know to kick it in and get ready. Otherwise, I would be ready at least 10 minutes earlier, waiting–and impatient. I also get mildly annoyed and pass a lot of people who slowly stroll in front of me or decide to park in the middle of an aisle or sidewalk to have a conversation while I am ready to move on. I’ll be humming the song.
Rob I am very impatient as well. I’m waiting for this band to return an email that I sent yesterday, after a fair amount of correspondence last week. Since I havent’ received an answer yet my immediate response is…they aren’t even going to respond. Time to post another ad.
DP, I changed it to cart.
That snail is a horrible singer!