There is a quaint town near me called Poquoson. It’s a small town surrounded by water. It’s the perfect place for a horror movie.
Poquoson has flesh eating gnats. These gnats are impervious to bug spray, they don’t die they multiply, and they suck. During the game I sprayed bug spray on and you would have thought I covered my arms in icing. These gnats love hair gel so they were burrowing in my head. Luckily my wife brought a towel to the game to sit on and she was nice enough to give it to me so I could cover my head.
If murdering gnats was a crime I would be a mass murderer. These horrors of nature deserved to die. They made it incredibly hard to enjoy the game. So if you ever want to experience your own personal horror movie visit a quaint little town in Virginia called Poquoson.
lol. when checking out a house in P’cosin once, stumbled upon a room full of weapons. With the property owner outside, we evacuated quickly. Now I wonder, was I in trouble or was he just ready to defend himself from the flesh eating gnats.
You should work for the tourism board with an endorsement like this.
Nice. Killer bugs are only one of the several severe drawbacks to living in one of the most coveted areas of the Peninsula. People do still love Poquoson.
I’ve heard them called no-see-uhms… on the sound side of Salt Pounds, they’re brutal as well. They tend to be worse for short spans of time, not sure why that is.
So that’s why some men wear turbans.
Yeah, I would have left. You are dedicated to your students!
Brian, that is a crazy story.
Daniel, I like my job but if I ever lose it I will consider it.
DP, we were there for over an hour and they were bad the whole time.
Mim, funny.
Bethany, it was one of their last games and I haven’t been to one yet. I wanted to leave but if I did I wouldn’t have seen them all year.
haha rob!
thanks a bunch for enduring the agony of the gnats.
i think they were attracted to yellow because i had them all over my goalie jersey.
we have more games in weeks to come so i hope you will be able to come!
do not worry thought… none are in poquoson.
my mom just says those types of buggies like me because I’m so SWEET… maybe that applies to you and monica too!
Oh man, I hate gnats. They really are awful!
By short time spans I mean like a week. What I mean is they typically aren’t all summer long.
I always dreaded with a capital “D” when Lindsey had a game in Poquoson.