Once upon a time I was an intern at a large church. Each Wednesday night we had to set up our youth room. It was really a gym for the high school students and a small fellowship hall for the middle school students. We didn’t have our own equipment so we borrowed it from big church. There was a keyboard that we used each week and it was stored on the second story of a different building from where we met.

One day Stu (my pastor) and I went to collect everything that we needed to set up. We had to make multiple trips from one building to the other. On this day I grabbed the large key board and carried it down from the second floor. On our way out the door we had to walk down a small set of steps and then go across the street to the gym/fellowship hall.

On my way down the steps I fell. I missed the first step because the keyboard I was holding was so large it impeded my vision of the steps. On the way down panic seized my thoughts. I knew if I busted this keyboard I was in BIG trouble. On the way down I twisted to the side to protect the keyboard. I hit the ground hard. As soon as I fell Stu ask if I was ok. He had a panicked tone to his voice. I responded with “is the keyboard ok.” As soon as Stu heard that he started laughing. Once he knew I was ok he couldn’t contain his laughter. He is a sucker for a good fall.

That day I ripped a hole in my GAP jeans, I scrapped up my knee, I bruised my ego, but I saved the keyboard. And that my friends is another Warm and Fuzzy Memory with Rob.