What do you do that you actually love to do but out of the things that you love to do you love to do it the least? Make sense?
For example I love going to the class Powercut at my gym to workout, but out of all the things I love to do in life that is near the bottom. I also love to draw. I rarely do it but once I start to draw I love doing it. Because I never make myself draw it must mean that it’s near the bottom of my list of things that I love to do. A while back I did a post entitled I Hate Reading. Now that I think about it I actually don’t hate it. I just love it the least amount out of the things that I do. I can’t really hate reading because I subscribe to a magazine, I read blogs daily, and I slowly make it through books. I love it less than watching a movie, but I still love it. Make sense.
Now it’s your turn. What do you love to do but you love it the least?
Brian Miller
on May 1, 2009 at 11:22 am
fried baloney sandwiches. cliff diving, play dough hair cutting, Lamentations, cutting the grass…just o name a few.
Yardwork–there are certain times of the year that I can really get into planting, pruning, and clearing. Then, the weather turns really hot, or we hit a rainy season or it’s cold and my enthusiasm wanes until those near perfect, fleeting days of spring and autumn call me back to digging in the dirt.
Styling my hair. I love the outcome but I’m not gonna lie…sometimes my arms get tired while straightening or drying my hair and I need to rotate frequently. I’ve also recently taken up running…yeah I know shocker…and I can tell that I love it because I used to love the rain and now I find that it depresses me because that me that I either won’t be running or it will be much messier. It’s near the bottom of the list though because I never fully want to do it and always want to stop right after I start but manage to keep going 3 miles without walking!!
fried baloney sandwiches. cliff diving, play dough hair cutting, Lamentations, cutting the grass…just o name a few.
Giving of my money and volunteering (sometimes). I guess like Brian, I too would add yard work to my list.
Yardwork–there are certain times of the year that I can really get into planting, pruning, and clearing. Then, the weather turns really hot, or we hit a rainy season or it’s cold and my enthusiasm wanes until those near perfect, fleeting days of spring and autumn call me back to digging in the dirt.
fixing. anything. I’m fairly handy and do decent work, like the finished product, but never want to do it. Which my wife would ad a hearty AMEN to.
working on my budget. once I get started I love it but it takes me a while to get started.
Styling my hair. I love the outcome but I’m not gonna lie…sometimes my arms get tired while straightening or drying my hair and I need to rotate frequently. I’ve also recently taken up running…yeah I know shocker…and I can tell that I love it because I used to love the rain and now I find that it depresses me because that me that I either won’t be running or it will be much messier. It’s near the bottom of the list though because I never fully want to do it and always want to stop right after I start but manage to keep going 3 miles without walking!!