When Rob asked me to be a guest blogger for this series called “Why I…” I knew immediately what I needed to blog about. “Why I . . . tinkle sitting down at my home- especially at night.” I feel like I have even more reasons than these- I feel very strongly about this. I feel so strongly about this that I have made it a requirement of my wife that she only tinkle in the sitting position at home. I feel like I am not the only man who shares the same conviction about this. Where are the closet- toilet-tinkle sitters?

10 Reasons Why I… tinkle sitting down at my own home- especially at night.
1. It doesn’t make me any less of a man.
2. Not a guessing game where the toilet is in the middle of the night when i can’t see.
2. Able to catch some extra, well-needed rest in the middle of the night.
3. Cleaner. Home toilets are normally much cleaner- wooing all of us to have a seat.
4. More comfortable.
5. I’m usually not in a hurry at home.
6. It’s much easier and safer to read while in the sitting position.
7. I am always much more prepared if a surprise rumbly becomes much more than that.
8. I have had some bad experiences when standing up to tinkle.
9. I still have the ability to ward off any burglars or violent assailants when facing them as opposed to turning my back on them.

Why I… call it “tinkle”:
1. Because I am a Christian.
Why I… use two number 2’s sometimes:
1. Because it’s a free country and I can- it’s not a subliminal message about doodie.
Why I… call it “doodie”:
1. Because it’s kinda funny AND I have a little boy now AND it’s not because I thought the “Friends” episode was funny where Chandler blew a job interview because of smirking at the use of the word “duty.”
Hopefully after this blog we will see a sudden shift in the popularity of toilet-sitting-tinkling.

Note from Rob: Kyle is a good friend from seminary, pastor, and fellow blogger. Check him out here.