I like to make up random games. I’m blessed to have a wife and friends who play along with my silliness. Lately I’ve been playing a fun game that I like to call Funny Face Photo.

Here’s how you play:
Step one: Have a digital camera

Step two: Have some friends that are not afraid to be silly

Step three: Each person takes a picture of themselves making a funny face. The other contestants must and I repeat must close their eyes so they don’t see the other contestants funny face. Once a contestant takes their own funny face photo they then pass the camera to the next contestant

Step four: After all the contestants have taken their funny face photos view the pictures and declare a winner.

I had the opportunity to play this game twice over the weekend. The first game went to Monica. I won the second game. I like this game because even if you lose in the end everyone wins because it’s a good laugh.

Pictured below: Monica (the winner), Rob, and Amy

Pictured below: Monica, Rob (the winner), Hudson, Jessica, Kyle