Wow! What an honor to be a guest blogger here at What many of you may not know is that Rob is the one that got me into blogging in the first place. Its been a desire of mine for years to write a book. My mom is always on me to write the Great American novel, but I always used the excuse I don’t have enough experience yet. Great cover for, I really don’t know what to write. Rob caught me at just the right time and provided a vehicle for me to start sharing stories.

If you think about it, our lives are made up of many different stories. No matter where you come from, your background, your triumphs or struggles, all these stories play a part in a much greater story. As these stories intersect and intertwine, I think we can learn a lot from each other’s stories. People tend to take their story for granted. We think we have little to say, or who would really be interested in what we have to say. Or we think our life insignificant compared to others. The reality is that as you tell your story, you share your perspectives, what is important to you and in some small way this gives others the opportunity to experience life through your eyes. You never know who might need to hear that perspective at any given moment, it may make all the difference in their lives.

I’ve learned a lot and met a lot of great people here in the blogosphere that I never would have met if they would have kept their mouth shut or hands off the keyboard. My life would be much different for having not met them. That’s “why I” blog, and I owe it all to Rob.

What?s your story?