And now it’s time for another Warm and Fuzzy Memory with Rob…

Once upon a time I got pulled over by a cop with a car full of middle school girls.

I was in Nags Head visiting a family from my church. One night their daughter started talking about Brew Thru. Brew thru is America’s original drive-thru convenience store. You actually drive your car into the building to order your snacks, drinks, and other convenience store items. With the parent’s permission, I drove the daughter and three of her friends to try to find a Brew Thru.

On our way back a cop pulled behind me. I changed lanes to let him pass. He changed lanes to stay behind my car. I was so nervous I missed our turn. I ended up doing a u-turn and the cop followed me.

The cop turned on his lights and pandemonium erupted in the car. The cop came to my window and after I gave him my license and registration he asked me to step out of the car. Now I was freaking out. He then asked me to come to his car.

So I’m sitting in the cop’s car and I hear him say, “who’s your pastor?” At the time the church I was working at didn’t have a pastor. I didn’t know how to answer him so I asked him to repeat the question. Again he said, “who’s your pastor?” At this point I started to explain that our church didn’t have a pastor…we did have an interim pastor and his name was…

At that moment the cop stopped me and said clearly “Who’s your passenger? You know, the people in your car.”

I then said that they were students from my church. I was visiting their family for the weekend and we were trying to find the Brew Thru. He then told me to follow him and he would give us an escort back to the place we were staying. I was so scared I never asked him why he pulled me over.

And that my friends, is another Warm and Fuzzy Memory with Rob.