Yesterday I went to get gas for my car. As I was pumping the gas I noticed something in the roof above me. Here is a picture.
At first I couldn’t tell what it was. I thought it might be leaves, but they were too big for leaves. Could it be a stain? Nope.
I thought to myself, “you know what…that looks like feet!”
After I finished pumping the gas I walked over to get a closer look. Sure enough there were multiple feet attached to multiple dead birds. Count em…three dead birds in the ceiling.
someone giving the “bird” to gas stations for inflated oil prices? possible political statement? bad case of bird flu in which they all choked and died bent over together? or could it be the fact that birds have taken up watching too much TV, thus resulting in poor eye sight, which led to running into the pole at such speed it propelled them backward into the eaves of the roof? It was Mr Smither’s dressed up in the abominable snow man outfit, actually. and he would have gotten away with it if not for those meddling kids.
My master naturalist office partner says if it had to happen, it’s good it was starlings which are so abundant–maybe we have a suspect, maybe it was the gas fumes, Strange.
EWWW… call Alfred Hitchcock… this seems like his doing!
Actually, those birds are what we call the “Lemming-bird”. Unfortunately, one of the birds thought it was skinnier than it actually was (he indulged in one two many garbage can foodies) and attempted to squeeze through the tiny opening in the ceiling. Being lemming-birds, his two friends who were close by attempted to follow, and thus, the picture you see in your blog.
Three birds is too many. (How’s that for your Ace Ventura reference? Perhaps this is only for the die-hard fans though.)
listen…. i just do what i’m hired to do. i don’t ask questions, i don’t think too deeply into why i’m given these tasks…. i just do my job. i won’t rat out my source… but he’s a high-profile client, and he’s got a personal vendetta against black birds. ’nuff said.
all funny posts. the real answer is they were likely trapped. business of all sorts apply all types of traps / deterants to keep birds off their property. Traps tend to only be applied when nests are built and re-built when taken down.
It’s an ugly side of the gas station business, but the ulternative is an occassional bird turd on your head. Which do you prefer? Call it collateral damage.