I walk fast with my head down.
A lot of times there is a naked dude weighing himself. Come on man, put some clothes on. Seriously!
The thing that really throws me off is that there is almost always two guys talking to each other and they are both naked as a jay-bird.
Maybe it’s just me but I don’t like being naked. I practically run from the shower to my clothes. I especially don’t feel comfortable being naked around other people. The last time we walked through they gym I told Dan afterwards that I don’t think I will ever feel comfortable enough to have a conversation with him while either of us are naked. He was OK with that.
Call me insecure, call me immature, but just don’t call me if you’re naked.
Rant Over
I don’t have major issues with nakedness, but I won’t go potty with others around. I could not imagine being in the army where everyone goes together on the same poop bench. No walls, no privacy, just hello and grunt.
naked i came into the world, naked i will go out. so, don’t come because it will be open casket. lol. i enjoy being naked, even on the scale. Being around a bunch of naked guys, not high on my list. locker rooms never bothered me though.
Your rant has been heard and supported here!!!
I guess you won’t be signing up as a model for art classes or vacationing with nudists. You understand why Adam grabbed the fig leaves. Interesting that European culture is so much more comfortable with nudity than most Americans.
It’s somewhat awkward at first. However, eventually when you are forced to shower with 25 other naked guys every night (cough *basic training* cough), you get over it really quickly and it’s not strange anymore.
Seems like most guys are like that…take Merrick for example. He thinks being naked is hilarious for some reason I just cannot understand. 🙂
yeahhh…. the whole locker-room/changing-room nudity is just awkward…. case in point : too many uncomfortable moments @ Water Country in the men’s bathrooms
Rob- Hilarious. I’m dyin’ at “Call me insecure, call me immature, but just don’t call me if you’re naked.” However- don’t guess it applies to the rant unless they call you on a video phone, and then it’d definitely be weird.
ps- I searched google images for a full minute to try and find you a pic of will ferrell playing the transient nude art class model on SNL. Unfortunately I was unsuccessful.
it doesn’t really bother me. Probably because I grew up taking naked saunas (that sounds somewhat twisted… it’s common in Scandanavian cultures). I don’t know why 2 men would prefer to have a naked conversation, when they could at least have a towel on though. Maybe it’s a competition with them. I find it more amusing, but it is slightly awkward. It would be really awkard if a naked dude I didn’t know tried to have a conversation with me at the Y. Especially an old dude.