My buddy Dan and I play racquetball a couple of times a month. When we go to the gym near his house we have to endure one of the most awkward experiences known to man. For some reason this gym built the racquetball courts on the other side of the locker rooms. In order to get to the courts you have to walk through the locker room and then past the showers. You are guaranteed to walk past at least 2 buck naked men.

I walk fast with my head down.

A lot of times there is a naked dude weighing himself. Come on man, put some clothes on. Seriously!

The thing that really throws me off is that there is almost always two guys talking to each other and they are both naked as a jay-bird.

Maybe it’s just me but I don’t like being naked. I practically run from the shower to my clothes. I especially don’t feel comfortable being naked around other people. The last time we walked through they gym I told Dan afterwards that I don’t think I will ever feel comfortable enough to have a conversation with him while either of us are naked. He was OK with that.

Call me insecure, call me immature, but just don’t call me if you’re naked.

Rant Over