I like to laugh. Problem is I don’t laugh as much as I want to. I think I’m a hard critic or a comedy snob. I’d love to know the last thing that made you laugh. Maybe just maybe it will make me laugh.
Brian Miller
on April 2, 2009 at 12:53 pm
my boys make me laugh daily. just looking at the wild wonder in their eyes makes me laugh and long for it myself. I’ll try to come up with a story today about them to make you laugh.
A good fairy was between appointments when she realized that she had half-an-hour to spare. She landed in the garden of a stately home, near two statues in the classical greek style one male one female. On a whim she brought them both to life and told them that they had half-an-hour to do anything they liked. The statues gazed into each other’s eyes and one said to the other: ‘Are you thinking the same as I am?’
‘You can count on it!’ replied the other, ‘I have thought of little else for the last two hundred years!’
‘Well let’s do it! exclaimed the first and they ran off hand in hand, to a nearby wood. There was a terrific comotion and hundreds of birds flew out of the trees and then for a while there was silence and the pair of them came running and skipping back to the fairy, flushed and obviously very, very happy.
The fairy looked at her watch and said: ‘You were very quick! You still have another quarter of an hour, what would you like to do now?’
The two statues looked at each other and one asked: ‘Shall we do it again?’ ‘Yes let’s! But this time you hold the pigeon and I’ll crap on it!’
not a laugh, but my word verification is “mesterd” makes me smile.
The last things that really had me laughing was when a little beagle dog, Tanner, nearly pooped in my lap with excitement. He just missed my lap by an inch. I was screaming and jumping all over my husband to get away from the rouge turd that was rolling toward me.
I’m not sure which was funnier, me screaming and scrambling for Dan or the dog pooping on someone else’s couch (not his owners). He left a “mesterd” (hehehe)
Chele, in the office next to me, laughs heartily and often. She just seems to see the lighter side of life and helps me see it, as well. I love being near her because laughter is contagious. I’ve heard that kids laugh hundreds of times more a day than adults. Thank goodness for people like Chele who keep the rest of us from getting so serious. There is also an older Prof who looks like you might imagine “Old MacDonald” from the farm, who stops to scratch the scratch paper we have in a tray. Not big, but it gives me a laugh.
We are trying to cut down on costs at our church. We've cut down our printing a bit and now our lead pastor keeps harping on the staff for using too much cyber ink! He says "don't use color in your emails, keep sentences to a minimum and the website needs to be black & white people!" Hilarious. That was the last good laugh I had — and it was this morning.
On Tuesday night, I was laughing really hard while playing Tribond with our community group! It was a good time.
I also laughed really hard watching the movie, Ghost Town. IT was not the most hilarious movie I have ever seen, but there were parts that had me laughing pretty hard!
And I laughed pretty hard yesterday when I April Fool’s my husband over texting!
Yesterday Billy and I were in the video store, and Billy was carrying Merrick on his shoulders. Billy started frantically calling me, and I turned around to see Merrick hanging upside down from Billy’s shoulders like a bat. Merrick was snatching videos off the shelves also, as fast as he could grab them/knock them off the shelf.
Danielle’s comment reminded me of the day we brought home our beloved Siamese. We had stopped by the vet to pick him up and me being the animal lover that I am felt terrible for having put him through all the poking and prodding and begged Mike to let him ride home on my lap. Mike is tolerant of my love for animals, but not such an animal lover himself, so he vaguely mumbled “O.K., but as long as he stays on your side of the car”. Well, there we are flying down the interstate when our furry friend decided to prove the old adage of cats always go to the people who don’t like them. Mr. Meezers climbed onto my husband’s lap, let out a hearty yowl and promptly dumped a huge load in his lap. Needless to say, I was laughing so hard that I almost peed my pants. Till the day that my beloved blue eyes went to heaven, Mike and he had a beautiful love hate relationship.
Mitch Hedberg is hysterical!! He says he would like to own a McDonalds and when someone asks for a hamburger he would say no…we only have spaghetti and blankets. He cracks me up!
my boys make me laugh daily. just looking at the wild wonder in their eyes makes me laugh and long for it myself. I’ll try to come up with a story today about them to make you laugh.
A good fairy was between appointments when she realized that she had half-an-hour to spare. She landed in the garden of a stately home, near two statues in the classical greek style one male one female. On a whim she brought them both to life and told them that they had half-an-hour to do anything they liked. The statues gazed into each other’s eyes and one said to the other: ‘Are you thinking the same as I am?’
‘You can count on it!’ replied the other, ‘I have thought of little else for the last two hundred years!’
‘Well let’s do it! exclaimed the first and they ran off
hand in hand, to a nearby wood. There was a terrific comotion and hundreds of birds flew out of the trees and then for a while there was silence and the pair of them came running and skipping back to the fairy, flushed and obviously very, very happy.
The fairy looked at her watch and said: ‘You were very quick! You still have another quarter of an hour, what would you like to do now?’
The two statues looked at each other and one asked: ‘Shall we do it again?’ ‘Yes let’s! But this time you hold the pigeon and I’ll crap on it!’
Last thing that made me laugh:
The last thing that gave me a good laugh was the the guys in the Waters Edge band last night at rehearsal. What a great team!
not a laugh, but my word verification is “mesterd” makes me smile.
The last things that really had me laughing was when a little beagle dog, Tanner, nearly pooped in my lap with excitement. He just missed my lap by an inch. I was screaming and jumping all over my husband to get away from the rouge turd that was rolling toward me.
I’m not sure which was funnier, me screaming and scrambling for Dan or the dog pooping on someone else’s couch (not his owners). He left a “mesterd” (hehehe)
You probably had to be there.
Chele, in the office next to me, laughs heartily and often. She just seems to see the lighter side of life and helps me see it, as well. I love being near her because laughter is contagious. I’ve heard that kids laugh hundreds of times more a day than adults. Thank goodness for people like Chele who keep the rest of us from getting so serious. There is also an older Prof who looks like you might imagine “Old MacDonald”
from the farm, who stops to scratch the scratch paper we have in a tray. Not big, but it gives me a laugh.
Next year instead of an egg drop for Easter you should do an…
…wah wah.
We are trying to cut down on costs at our church. We've cut down our printing a bit and now our lead pastor keeps harping on the staff for using too much cyber ink! He says "don't use color in your emails, keep sentences to a minimum and the website needs to be black & white people!" Hilarious. That was the last good laugh I had — and it was this morning.
–Terrace Crawford
On Tuesday night, I was laughing really hard while playing Tribond with our community group! It was a good time.
I also laughed really hard watching the movie, Ghost Town. IT was not the most hilarious movie I have ever seen, but there were parts that had me laughing pretty hard!
And I laughed pretty hard yesterday when I April Fool’s my husband over texting!
Yesterday Billy and I were in the video store, and Billy was carrying Merrick on his shoulders. Billy started frantically calling me, and I turned around to see Merrick hanging upside down from Billy’s shoulders like a bat. Merrick was snatching videos off the shelves also, as fast as he could grab them/knock them off the shelf.
this video
Danielle’s comment reminded me of the day we brought home our beloved Siamese. We had stopped by the vet to pick him up and me being the animal lover that I am felt terrible for having put him through all the poking and prodding and begged Mike to let him ride home on my lap. Mike is tolerant of my love for animals, but not such an animal lover himself, so he vaguely mumbled “O.K., but as long as he stays on your side of the car”. Well, there we are flying down the interstate when our furry friend decided to prove the old adage of cats always go to the people who don’t like them. Mr. Meezers climbed onto my husband’s lap, let out a hearty yowl and promptly dumped a huge load in his lap. Needless to say, I was laughing so hard that I almost peed my pants. Till the day that my beloved blue eyes went to heaven, Mike and he had a beautiful love hate relationship.
Mitch Hedberg is hysterical!! He says he would like to own a McDonalds and when someone asks for a hamburger he would say no…we only have spaghetti and blankets. He cracks me up!
Playing silent football with my community group. Also,watching people playing blind fold musical chairs on “Ellen”.
well… i know I'm not that funny Rob, so instead, I will send you to a source that always makes me laugh… Mr. Jim Gaffigan
I caught this bit about Waffle House on comedy central last night and laughed SO HARD!!!
hope it helps
Thanks everyone for the comments. Some pretty funny stuff.
The last time I laughed really hard was in Community Group on March. 31st. We were planning an April Fools joke on ROB SHEPHERD.