Years ago I heard someone smart say “readers are leaders and leaders are readers.”

I’ve always preferred the movie. If you tell me a book is great then I will take your word for it and then wait for the movie. That way my movie experience isn’t doomed because the film didn’t match every detail from the book.

Because I want to be a good leader I’ve learned to force myself to read. I read a little bit everyday before work. I spend a few minutes reading a book that is going to benefit my job and or me spiritually. I then spend a few minutes reading the Bible. I have a hard time reading for hours so I read for minutes. I chew on a little bit at a time. I enjoy being stretched and I enjoy learning. I just wish I could do it by osmosis.

Here is a list of the books that I’ve read this year.

  • Currently reading – Mad Church Disease by Anne Jackson. I love what I’ve read so far!
  • How to Ruin Your Life by 40 by Steve Farrar. This book was given to me by someone at church. It’s a good book for teens or early twenties.
  • Jesus Wants to Save Christians by Rob Bell. I loved Rob’s first two books. I enjoyed this but I didn’t love it.
  • Wild Goose Chase by Mark Batterson. I love Mark’s writing style. I enjoyed his first book, In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day, more but I still pulled some great insight from this book.

Got any new books that I should be reading?