Would You Rather…be mechanically induced to scream at the top of your lungs for an hour, or have your eyes glued shut for a day?
Better band U2 or Coldplay?
If your poo tasted like your favorite food would you eat it?
You are forced to sit through a Sylvester Stallone movie marathon. Love It or Loathe It?
Here’s how you play. Answer the previous 5 Good Questions in the comment section. At some point in the future Rob will decide which person answered the best and declare a winner. The winner of the last 5 Good Questions is James Freeney. Click here to see his answers.
Brian Miller
on March 31, 2009 at 12:38 pm
1. pathetic 2. scream of course 3. U2…hands down 4. yes 5. i would enjoy it
1. awkward 2. screaming all the way… and i’d “accidentally” find my way to a library when that hour comes around 3. Cold… who? U2, duhhh 4. only if i really needed to. and again, i’d “accidentally” end up in a library when poo-eating time came about 5. only if “Stop! Or My Mother Will Shoot!” is in the mix
1. If a kid uses a “soft” cuss word once, I might chuckle. But repeated F-bombs and sexual talk out kids’ mouths makes me cringe.
2. Scream- stress release. the gluing of the eyes would cause me stress
3. U2 is classic. (I do love Coldplay too though)
4. Pooh? I couldn’t get passed the visual or the texture. That is like saying if you threw up your favorite food would you eat it again? Rather than eat my pooh, I would eat my favorite food.
1. No, kids should not be swearing in movies. I know this is “square”, but it makes me very uneasy. Do their parents think this is O.K. or do they look past this behavior at the big paycheck? 2. I don’t think that I could scream for an hour, even if I was hooked up to your “so-called” machine. Get your hands off me you darned, dirty apes! 3. I feel so young for a change. I actually prefer Coldplay. So ha, ha, ha. 4. Eating your own poo? Rob, where did you find this one? Is this the kind of thought that runs through your mind? Makes me wonder. Makes me concerned. Oh, and I say “nay” to eating poo, even if it is gourmet. 5. Stallone is fine. I like Rambo and the couple of Rocky flicks I saw. Now I also seem to remember that he did some porn early on. Hopefully those are not required watching.
1. Incredibly Obnoxious, until I slap them in the larynx 2. Easy – I’d pull out a Pez dispenser stocked with ambien and employ my secret mutant power – the ability to sleep in the face of danger 3. Hands down – U2 (you know how I know you’re gay – you’re singing Coldplay in the shower) 4. I’m a fecalphobe, so it could taste like chocolate covered strawberries (wow – that’s a gross visual), and I’d still pass. You’re a sick dude Rob 😉 5. A Rocky marathon? Bring the noise bro!
1. Sparingly, in context, can be funny. Some of my favorite humor is that “awkward moment” humor, and few things can be more awkward than a kid saying something really inappropriate in public. Think Big Daddy.
2. Scream, easy. I’d just go around doing Will Ferrell’s “Voice Immodulation Disorder” skit from SNL
3. U2 – Activist + Rockstar = Admirable. Plus, does anyone in Coldplay have a name as cool as The Edge? I think not.
4. The tricky thing is, you’d have to CONVINCE me my poo was delicious, indicating you had tasted poo when you didn’t know what it tasted like. I’d be concerned.
5. Psh, Love it. All the Rockys and Rambos? Count me in.
1. funny for a moment… then sad… then offensive (its a progressive thing!)
2. if i screamed for an hour, it might cause me to let some aggressions out vocally; added benefits include loosing my voice afterwards, which would cause my students to become sympathetic and not be chatter boxes for an entire day!
3. Gotta go with Coldplay… Chris Martin has so much charisma and just a touch of craziness about him. So rock and roll!
4. My poo… no. Knowing that it was a jessie byproduct would not work for me.
5. Loathe it. One at a time i can handle… a marathon?…. ADRIENNE!!!!!!!!!!
1. pathetic
2. scream of course
3. U2…hands down
4. yes
5. i would enjoy it
1. Neither
2. Eyes glued shut
3. Older U2 (sexy boots isn’t very good)
4. I’m actually pondering this. I feel so soiled.
5. I lathe it.
1. awkward
2. screaming all the way… and i’d “accidentally” find my way to a library when that hour comes around
3. Cold… who? U2, duhhh
4. only if i really needed to. and again, i’d “accidentally” end up in a library when poo-eating time came about
5. only if “Stop! Or My Mother Will Shoot!” is in the mix
1. If a kid uses a “soft” cuss word once, I might chuckle. But repeated F-bombs and sexual talk out kids’ mouths makes me cringe.
2. Scream- stress release. the gluing of the eyes would cause me stress
3. U2 is classic. (I do love Coldplay too though)
4. Pooh? I couldn’t get passed the visual or the texture. That is like saying if you threw up your favorite food would you eat it again? Rather than eat my pooh, I would eat my favorite food.
5. How long would that be? Probably loathe.
1. No, kids should not be swearing in movies. I know this is “square”, but it makes me very uneasy. Do their parents think this is O.K. or do they look past this behavior at the big paycheck?
2. I don’t think that I could scream for an hour, even if I was hooked up to your “so-called” machine. Get your hands off me you darned, dirty apes!
3. I feel so young for a change. I actually prefer Coldplay. So ha, ha, ha.
4. Eating your own poo? Rob, where did you find this one? Is this the kind of thought that runs through your mind? Makes me wonder. Makes me concerned. Oh, and I say “nay” to eating poo, even if it is gourmet.
5. Stallone is fine. I like Rambo and the couple of Rocky flicks I saw. Now I also seem to remember that he did some porn early on. Hopefully those are not required watching.
1. Incredibly Obnoxious, until I slap them in the larynx
2. Easy – I’d pull out a Pez dispenser stocked with ambien and employ my secret mutant power – the ability to sleep in the face of danger
3. Hands down – U2 (you know how I know you’re gay – you’re singing Coldplay in the shower)
4. I’m a fecalphobe, so it could taste like chocolate covered strawberries (wow – that’s a gross visual), and I’d still pass. You’re a sick dude Rob 😉
5. A Rocky marathon? Bring the noise bro!
1. Sparingly, in context, can be funny. Some of my favorite humor is that “awkward moment” humor, and few things can be more awkward than a kid saying something really inappropriate in public. Think Big Daddy.
2. Scream, easy. I’d just go around doing Will Ferrell’s “Voice Immodulation Disorder” skit from SNL
3. U2 – Activist + Rockstar = Admirable. Plus, does anyone in Coldplay have a name as cool as The Edge? I think not.
4. The tricky thing is, you’d have to CONVINCE me my poo was delicious, indicating you had tasted poo when you didn’t know what it tasted like. I’d be concerned.
5. Psh, Love it. All the Rockys and Rambos? Count me in.
1. funny for a moment… then sad… then offensive (its a progressive thing!)
2. if i screamed for an hour, it might cause me to let some aggressions out vocally; added benefits include loosing my voice afterwards, which would cause my students to become sympathetic and not be chatter boxes for an entire day!
3. Gotta go with Coldplay… Chris Martin has so much charisma and just a touch of craziness about him. So rock and roll!
4. My poo… no. Knowing that it was a jessie byproduct would not work for me.
5. Loathe it. One at a time i can handle… a marathon?…. ADRIENNE!!!!!!!!!!
1. Neither. It’s almost always offensive in real life though, so if I were a better person I’d never think it was funny in movies.
2. Like tortured to scream? I don’t get it… I guess I’ll go with eyes glued shut, I don’t have to go anywhere that day.
3. Tough pick for me… I guess U2, but only because of their career length (are you sure they aren’t secretly the same band?)
4. No. Gross. I don’t know why you have a fascination with this question, do you know something I don’t.
5. probably loathe it. I’m only good for about 2 of any movies in a row, even if I like them.