Anger is not a sin. Anger is a God given emotion. God gets angry. The New Testament records Jesus getting angry. The bible says,
The problem with anger is that everybody gets angry at things that don’t really matter. We should get angry at things like social injustice, corrupt leadership, and the fact that in the year 2009 human trafficking still exists. Instead we get angry because of referees, bad service at a restaurant, and minor changes to something we love. If you want to see anger visit a school, church, or any other establishment right after a change has been made.
The point is that God has given us anger but most of us use it on silly inconsequential matters. Here are some things that make me angry that really don’t matter.
- When someone puts the Brita Water Filter back into the fridge and it’s empty. It’s not hard to refill it with water.
- When I bend over to pick something up and it slips through my fingers on the way back up thus making me have to bend over to pick it up again.
- Slow drivers when I’m in a hurry.
- People who litter. Wait this might be a good thing to get angry about.
- When people talk during movies.
- People who still wear fanny packs.
- When people add the letter S to words that don’t need it.
- People who talk junk about their team when their team hasn’t done anything worth talking junk about. For example I went to a Dallas Mavericks basketball game and the fans talked junk to me because I was wearing a Lakers jersey. Silly Mavs fans, talk junk after your franchise has won a single championship.
- The fact that the 757 (Hampton Roads, the Penninsala, Tidewater…some of the many sames for the place where I live) takes forever to get new restaurants.
- When volunteers don’t do what they signed up to do and they make me confront them. I hate confrontation.
- Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
- When my electric razor stops on my face while I’m shaving. I got a new razor and the stupid thing won’t stay charged. About once a week it stops on my face and it hurts.
As you can see there are many things that make me angry that really don’t matter. Now it’s your turn…what are some things that make you angry that really don’t matter.
I get angry when someone does not hear me and I have to repeat myself. For what ever reason, I hate that.
I love your list Rob, we share many of the same items. Particularly about dropping something that we have tried to pick up. One thing I can add to the list that really chaps my nuggets, I can’t seem to find a really good pickle.
The list goes on and on. . .
-When kids don’t follow simple directions.
-When adults don’t follow simple directions.
-When I don’t follow simple directions.
-When people are apathetic about things that should matter to them. (i.e. I know I have an F in math, but I am too lazy to try)
-When my dog does this really annoying coughing thing that she can’t help (especially during movies or sleep).
-When people don’t use a turn signal. It takes no effort people!
-When people make fun of my messy desk. Then ask me for something they have lost.
I think the Volunteers part is worth getting angry, or at least upset about. I realize they are in fact volunteers, but when they sign up to do it, they are making a commitment. You rely on that commitment. And sometimes we have to confront, it’s apart of life and Biblical leadership.
usually it is inanimate objects that receive my wrath, just for being in my way. or maybe they just make an easy target. Disrespect tops my list. Slavery and human traficing is one on the more serious side. Breaks my heart.
I get angry when I have to repeat myself, or when people make lame excuses. Lying or gossiping makes me mad, but those two may be good things to be angry about too, like littering. 🙂
—Not throwing away useless empty containers
—people who take up the whole sidewalk or hallway, making it difficult to go around.
—picky eaters
—slaves to fashion
—people who are not ready to move when the traffic light changes to green
Although there are many BIG things to get angry about, here are some of the small things that are truely not worth my time or frustration, and get it anyways…
– dishes that make there way into the sink RIGHT AFTER I’ve cleaned dishes (do I really expect it to say empty forever?)
– sitting down on the couch and getting comfy only to realize the remote is sitting on top of the TV
– having to be the annoying teacher who’s always saying “NO TALKING” (I am but a parakeet at times)
-having to climb over my passenger seat to unlock the driver’s side door so I can get in my car!
-emptying the stinky garbage
pointless stuff that angers me?
-Spiderman 3 and X-Men 3 (just… awful)
-the Russians attacking the 757 with space debris
-forwarded generic text messages
-when the soda machine is out of syrup @ any restaurant
-country music… ’nuff said
When people walk into a store & there are no shopping carts and they grumble & complain. How many shopping carts did they pass on there way in?